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Evidence-Based Management
Evidence-Based Management Scoring Guide.
APA Refresher.
Based on the feedback obtained in Unit 9 on your project draft, revise your project as needed. Submit your final project in this assignment. Review the Evidence-Based Management course project description prior to submitting to ensure you understand the and meet the grading criteria for this assignment.
Course Project:
Units with response feedback for Final Project:
Unit 4- How does the organization curb high employee turnover?
The organization has been hiring administrators, but the number of those quitting is more than the retention rate. This is referred to as employee turnover. It has been described as the percentage of employees who leave the organization and the new ones are hired. The goal of any efficient organization is to reduce employee turnover as it hurts any organization’s bottom line (Lee, 2012). This is because research has indicated that it costs twice as more to train a new employee than to retain a current one. High turnover can also negatively impact other employees’ motivation.
To achieve this goal, the healthcare organization needs to be aware of the different strategies to avert this trend. First, the organization needs to hire the right individuals from the start. This is the single best method of averting staff turnover (Lee, 2012). Candidate should be interviewed and vetted carefully so as to ensure they possess the right skillset that will fit into the company culture. The organization should also set the right benefits and compensation structure as incentives to employees. Such information can be obtained by the human resources department getting current industry data on various industry pay packages. They can also get creative when necessary such as implementing flexible bonus structures and work schedules. HR can obtain this information from the internet or surveys conducted by other interested parties.
Once the relevant data and information are obtained, the organization can use it to devise strategies to curb the high employee turnover. Such data can be used to implement ways of bolstering employees’ engagement (Sheridan, 2014). This is because employees are motivated by healthy social interaction and a more rewarding work environment. The data will also be useful in reviewing the employees’ compensation and benefits package paying attention to the trends in the industry.
The stakeholders in this exercise will be the healthcare institution’s management and its employees. This is because they are directly affected by the high staff turnover. The management has to incur the costs of replacing and training new staff members while the staff are demotivated when their colleagues constantly quit (Lee, 2012). Controlling staff turnover is not an easy task, but the health care facility has made great strides. Currently, there are fewer employees quitting their jobs as a result of additional incentives. Such incentives include flexible working hours and bonuses.
However, managers can do more in reviewing the importance of a positive work environment. They should also come up with ways of recognizing top achievers so as to motivate the rest of the team to work extra harder on their tasks. Recognition, awards and praise are also cost-effective ways to achieve and maintain a productive and happy workforce.
Locke, E. A. (2009). Handbook of principles of organizational behavior: Indispensable knowledge for evidence-based business (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN: 9780470740941.
Marr, B. (2010). The intelligent company: Five steps to success with evidence-based management. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN: 9780470685952.
Shemilt, I., Mugford, M., Vale, L. Marsh, K., & Donaldson, C. (2010). Evidence-based decisions and economics: Health care, social welfare, education and criminal justice (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 9781405191531.
Lee, T. (2012). Employee voice and employee retention. Academy of Management Journal, 123.
Sheridan, J. (2014). Organizational culture and employee retention. Academy of management Journal, 89.
Responses from classmates
Hi Greg,
This was a really great subject to analyze. Employee turnover can be a huge problem, and unfortunately is quite common. In fact, before I got hired in with my current job (been here now almost 6 years) I was going through jobs every two years. I think you are on the right track on your methods of screening potential employees, and also making sure the incentive programs are sufficient enough to keep employees from leaving.
Speaking from experience, if you don't mind me suggesting that you may also want to look into the managers themselves. I have left jobs with great incentive programs because the management was horrible. They were either mentally abusive, or just didn't care to give feedback or lend help/advice when needed. Sometimes money or incentives are not enough to keep employees happy. Just a suggestion though, because I feel your discussion was well put together and thought through, great job!
Unit 5-Sources of Information for a Business Issue
Data collection in business research is crucial in determining the outcomes of the
research activities. In health care research activities, the information sources used will be used in
determining the solutions for the causes under study or observation. This assignment will
highlight three sources of data that can be used in determining research methodologies and
approaches. I will briefly discuss three journal articles that are relevant to the topic for this
assignment; sources of information for a business issue.
Source 1: (Mays, 2013)
This article has highlighted the history of qualitative and quantitative approaches.
Qualitative research approaches have been in social sciences for a very long time, and they
deserve a significant applaud in health services research. Quantitative and qualitative approaches
have been portrayed as antithetical; this article aims at showing the value of various qualitative
techniques and how they complement quantitative research (Mays, 2013). This journal was
published by the British Medical Journal. The research on this topic was conducted by the
various medical practitioners that contribute to the journal.
The research was conducted by the use of interviews, questionnaires, surveys and focus
groups. The data collected was interpreted by drawing reference in the form of reports and
charts. Such forms of data representation turned the information collected during data collection
into comprehensible findings that even inspired further research. The information also validated
various assumptions that were stated in the hypotheses. The data validated the assumptions that
quantitative techniques complement quantitative research methodologies in health services
research (Mays, 2013). The data was interpreted by the data scientists contracted by The British
Medical Journal management.
Source 2: (Hunter, 2013)
The journal that published this second source is The British Medical Journal. This was in
conjunction with NCBI. The title of this article is the ‘consensus methods for health and medical
services research’. Health providers have been faced with the challenge of trying to make
decisions in instances where they have insufficient information or where there is information
overload. The objective of this kind of research was to provide means of synthesizing
information by liaising with information that is common in statistical methods. In instances
where the data provided is insufficient, this article has made recommendations on how
researchers can harness the different insights so as to make decisions (Hunter, 2013).
The research activities that came up with these findings were conducted by the team at
the British Medical Journal and NCBI. Data collection was by self-studies, observation,
interviews and focus groups. Data collected was interpreted and analyzed by the use of reports to
enhance comprehension of findings. The research findings deduced that the consensus methods
adopted in health care services research offered the most appropriate solutions to challenges in
the amount of information accessible to researchers (Hunter, 2013). The outcomes described in
this article have contributed to a safer, better and more efficient health care setting as they give
recommendations to researchers in this field on how to handle information scarcity of overload.
Source 3: (Bowling, 2014)
The third source is a book by Ann Bowling that was published by the McGraw-Hill
Education. This book has covered a variety of research topics such as evaluating the
multidisciplinary collaboration of health services, psychological and sociological approaches to
health research, quality of life, the assessment of health needs of the population and health economics. The various research activities were commissioned by qualified personnel in the different health care fields covered in the book. The findings discussed in various topics have paved the way for further research activities in the study of health economics and social health impact. The sources of information selected for this assignment are credible because they have been published by renowned journals in the medical space (Bowling, 2014). The parties that have taken part in the various research activities are also certified professionals in their areas of practice.
Locke, E. A. (2009). Handbook of principles of organizational behavior: Indispensable
knowledge for evidence-based business (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN: 9780470740941.
Marr, B. (2010). The intelligent company: Five steps to success with evidence-based
management. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN: 9780470685952.
Shemilt, I., Mugford, M., Vale, L. Marsh, K., & Donaldson, C. (2010). Evidence-based decisions
and economics: Health care, social welfare, education and criminal justice (2nd ed.). Hoboken,
NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 9781405191531.
Bowling, A. (2014). Research methods in health: investigating health and health services. New
York: McGraw Hill Education.
Hunter, D. (2013). Consensus methods for medical and health services research. BMJ: British
Medical Journal, 45.
Mays, N. (2013). Reaching the parts other methods cannot reach: an introduction to qualitative
methods in health and health services research. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 45
Unit 6- Clinical Health Care Issue
Employee wellbeing is one of the most significant clinical health care issues in business organizations. For a business to receive maximum output and performance from employees, there healthcare issues need to be managed. Because of this, it is essential for employers to have social and physical programs that support employee wellbeing. In fact, health and wellbeing are some of employee benefits that should be addressed. In this manner, the goal that our business is trying to achieve is to ensure that all employees are covered under a health insurance program. In order to achieve this goal, it is essential for data to be gained on the various insurance coverage options available that can be utilized in our organization.
Additionally, data should be gained on the premium rates offered by different insurance companies. The essential thing to know about this issue is the type of Information on employee health insurance can be obtained from different federal databases such as Health Insurance Exchanges that explain the coverage appropriate for every business type (Bailey & Blascak, 2016, 1045). Other than that, there are insurance brokers from insurance companies that can provide guidance on the same issues. Sources from the internet are also instrumental for information. The stakeholders involved in this clinical health care issue are health care organizations, insurance company, and employees.
Once a coverage option has been selected the three stakeholders should be made aware on the type of insurance coverage selected. So far, successes have been achieved in gaining information about the group health insurance plan and the defined contribution plans available in the market. Furthermore, information about the impact of the health care reform on our health coverage plan has been gained. Notably, our business can continue to improve by ensuring that health programs that seek to foster and improve employee health and wellbeing are established.
Locke, E. A. (2009). Handbook of principles of organizational behavior: Indispensable knowledge for evidence-based business (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN: 9780470740941.
Marr, B. (2010). The intelligent company: Five steps to success with evidence-based management. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN: 9780470685952.
Shemilt, I., Mugford, M., Vale, L. Marsh, K., & Donaldson, C. (2010). Evidence-based decisions and economics: Health care, social welfare, education and criminal justice (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 9781405191531.
Bailey, J., & Blascak, N. (2016). The effect of state health insurance benefit mandates on premiums and employee contributions. Applied Economics Letters, 23(14), 1042-1046.
Responses from classmates
Great clinical issue. Health insurance is so important to the well-being of individuals. The selection of the health insurance offerings that reflect the needs of the organization are critical. Understanding the demographics of the employee base provides the important criteria for which to select a health insurance offering or offerings. Most organizations have to offer multiple plans to effectively cover their employee base and their needs. This is a critical issue for all organizations.
Linda Sanchez
Hi Gregory
Good job on your post I enjoyed reading your. The goals you described seemed really clear and workable. The clinical issue you selected was great taking care of employees is and awesome start having them fit and able to work would be a great benefit to any company. We are dealing with so many different health care issues and having a company that would work for you would be helpful
Unit 7-Sources of Information for a Clinical Issue
Almost every year, thousands of patients lose their lives as a result of diagnostic errors
whenever they visit clinicians. There has therefore been the need for research to be able to
determine the exact course of the diagnostic errors at both the individual or clinical level. To be
able to gather such information, the researcher will have to rely on manuscripts; interviews,
questionnaires and video footages, as firsthand sources as well as direct sources of information
as well as well as books and articles which are considered to be secondary sources of
information (Peabody et al. , 2011).
Through conducting interviews with both the patient's and clinicians, administering
questionnaires and watching video footages of the daily operations of the clinic as well as
listening to both parties on how the services are provided, a researcher may be able to identify a
link or a reason for the diagnostic errors. For example, it is possible that biases or system
problems do play a key role in most diagnostic errors whereas poor communication has bee
touted as the major reason for medication errors (Kripalani et al. ,2009).
On the other hand, books and articles on this issue are important because a researcher can
be able to study, interpret or analyze these sources and relate them to the study at hand in order
to make comparisons. The credibility of using questionnaires, interviews and video footages as
sources is unquestionable because the information is obtained first hand. Instances of biases are
rare because the patient and the clinicians strive to provide an accurate account of their
experiences (Hjørland, 2017) .
Even though books and articles have their legitimate concerns, by adhering to rules, it is
possible to access books and articles which are written by real authors with names, publication dates, and issues, containing accurate information whose sources can be proven and accounted for.
Locke, E. A. (2009). Handbook of principles of organizational behavior: Indispensable knowledge for evidence-based business (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN: 9780470740941.
Marr, B. (2010). The intelligent company: Five steps to success with evidence-based management. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN: 9780470685952.
Shemilt, I., Mugford, M., Vale, L. Marsh, K., & Donaldson, C. (2010). Evidence-based decisions and economics: Health care, social welfare, education and criminal justice (2nd ed.). Hoboken,NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 9781405191531.
Peabody, J. W., Luck, J., Jain, S., Bertenthal, D., & Glassman, P. (2011). Assessing the accuracy
of administrative data in health information systems. Medical care, 42(11), 1066-1072.
Kripalani, S., LeFevre, F., Phillips, C. O., Williams, M. V., Basaviah, P., & Baker, D. W. (2007).
Deficits in communication and information transfer between hospital-based and primary
care physicians: implications for patient safety and continuity of care. Jama, 297(8), 831-
Hjørland, B. (2017). Information literacy and digital literacy. Prisma. com, (7).
Unit 9-Evidence-Based Management Draft
The process used did make sense, as health care providers are demanded to base all of their decisions using the best evidence available using a systematic approach to solving clinical cases presented. More so, it can explain the EBM concept model as well as introducing the five-step model in a way that can be easily comprehended. Subsequently, the articles have also been able to focus on the systematic reviews and appraisal of randomly controlled trials as well as the core EBM principles, providing a realistic view demonstrating real-life clinical scenarios using the EBM model.
What seemed to be missing or maybe needed to be expounded on was utilizing clinical expertise with the best forms of available clinical research in a way that fits in with some of the values and beliefs of the patients given how much the practice has been increasingly gaining popularity. On the other hand, the need to find solutions to some of the clinical as well as health care issues is important, and with that comes the need to ensure that we remain current. Since literature and research are constantly changing what is being done and what are some of the tools being incorporated to make the process simpler.
There is also the need to address the fact that the decision on how to treat a patient should not be only based on the evidence that is available. Other elements for instance patient's preferences, values, skills, judgments as well as personal experiences should be considered. What is thought to be the best evidence now may change tomorrow, constantly staying updated is key. Clinical decisions can, therefore, be based on the integration of all these factors to improve the quality of care provided.
Locke, E. A. (2009). Handbook of principles of organizational behavior: Indispensable knowledge for evidence-based business (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN: 9780470740941.
Brownson, R. C., Reis, R. S., Allen, P., Duggan, K., Fields, R., Stamatakis, K. A., & Erwin, P. C. (2014). Understanding administrative evidence-based practices: findings from a survey of local health department leaders. American journal of preventive medicine, 46(1), 49-57.
Responses from classmate
Hi Greg,
I think you have a great start here, but if would be helpful if you started off reiterating exactly what your clinical issue is that you are researching. You start the paper by stating that the process used made sense. What process? What are you trying to research? It wasn't until the last paragraph that I was able to assume your clinical issue has something to do with how a patient is treated?
I would formulate my paper by starting off with what the clinical issue was, then go through all the EbM steps as indicated in the discussion requirements. What is it you need to know? What are the most important unanswered questions, and WHO needs to know?
Then I would go on to discuss the references where you gathered the data, and why you felt they are reputable to be used as evidence based research. Next, discuss what you found, what was tested, and any solutions or future testing that needs to be done. I think you have a great start, but was too generalized for a paper. Thanks for allowing for the constructive criticism, and I welcome your comments on my paper as well!