15-274 ================================================================ In The Supreme Court of the United States...
I have to write a paper on a court case for my government class. Please find attached the relevant guidelines and the three briefs. It has to be on the case of "Texas vs. Whole Women's Health" and I am taking the side of the state of Texas. Can you help me proceed with a rough plan?
- Attachment 1
- Attachment 2
- Attachment 3
- Attachment 4
GOV 20 TERM PAPER INSTRUCTIONS (GENERAL)Your term paper should be considered a combined formal research paper and legal brief: a thoroughoutline and description of the facts of the case, why plaintiffs are challenging the legislation (either theAffordable Care Act or state bans on gay marriage), the key constitutional issues and summaries of theboth the plaintiffs’ and the respondents’ legal arguments. (Focus questions will help guide you.) If yourfirst two exams average grade is below a “B” I strongly urge you to turn in rough drafts of your paper byApril 3rd (King v. Burwell) or April 17th (Obergefell v. Hodges); for others, submission of a rough draft isoptional. Drafts should not yet include your “majority opinion.” Sample papers from last year’s casesare on Sakai—as is this instruction sheet and also the focus questions for the two papers.The final paper, due by email or by hard copy (turn into faculty support center west and get the paper“stamped in” by an assistant). Friday, May 8th by noon. Earlier papers welcome. Late papers will beaccepted only for reasons of illness or documented computer failure.1. Initial drafts should be approximately 15-18 pages (no upper page limit), and the final papershould be approximately 20-25 pages. Please format for double-page, single-side, and use pagenumbers. (Also, please use conventional numbering for footnotes or endnotes—MS Wordsometimes defaults to roman numerals.)2. To assure precision in discussing complex issues, you may want to frequently quote (orparaphrase) primary sources. Cite your sources using footnotes (which appear at the bottom ofthe page) or endnotes (which appear at the end of your paper). I would prefer that you use the“Turabian” style of citation—also the preferred format in most classes at the Claremont Colleges.I have provided a download on from the CMC Writing Center as well as a link on both the general“resources” page on general Sakai “resources” page as well as within the two court case topiccategories.3. I would like to see many direct quotes from the briefs filed with the Supreme Court by theplaintiffs and the respondents that I have downloaded for you on the Sakai course website.4. For both cases, you may draw upon other sources, including those on the Sakai website as wellas news media and web sources. Listening to the oral arguments may prove helpful. (I will post alink to King v. Burwell on Sakai shortly after the case is argued on March 4 th; if the court hasheard arguments on the gay marriage case, by the time of our own oral arguments in class, I willalso post links to those recordings.) I assume PBS “News Hour” will also have excerpts on bothcases—that can be viewed online on those days. Major newspapers such as the New York Timesand Wall Street Journal and Washington Post may also be utilized.5. We have been discussing these cases as the course moves along. Please feel free to raisequestions or topics regarding the case or to email me articles you find on them—especially thosethat you think that might be of interest to the class. Major news websites such as The WallStreet Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Politico.com are also fertilefields to study these cases. (You may use articles from these sources that I have posted on Sakaior that you have discovered through your own research in your analyses and in writing your“majority opinion.” Just make sure to cite sources carefully.)
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