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2 pages in 20 hours. For Prof Lady Gaga

Consider the different post hoc tests discussed in the readings and respond to the following:

  • Describe the general rationale behind using post hoc tests (i.e., when they are used and why).
  • One of the advantages of using an ANOVA (compared to using t-tests) is also a disadvantage—using an ANOVA makes it necessary to use post hoc tests if there is a significant main effect. We use a post hoc test because there is one specific advantage in using an ANOVA. Explain why using an ANOVA naturally leads to the need to have post hoc tests (hint: consider what you are examining when you conduct a post hoc analysis).
  • Conducting a post hoc test is similar to conducting multiple t-tests. As a result, it would seem natural to want to bypass the ANOVA and just use repeated t-tests. Explain why this approach is not necessarily a good idea and why an ANOVA followed by a post hoc analysis is beneficial.
  • Describe an experimental hypothesis and explain which post hoc test you would use if you find a significant overall effect. Include in your explanation the pros and cons of each test in making your decision.
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