2017 Semester 1 ACCT7103 Auditing:
I need some help with the auditing case study, and I have attached the case and the rubric.
2017 Semester 1 ACCT7103 Auditing: Case study rubric (40 marks will be scaled to 20% worth of course assessments) Outstanding Very Good Meets Expectations Below Expectations Well BelowExpectationsAssessment of The facts of the case have The facts of the case have The facts of the case have Some facts of the case have No logical attempt atinherent risks been carefully and logically been logically analysed to been soundly analysed to been considered resulting in analysis is evident, with(including analysed to correctly correctly identify, explain identify, explain and assess the identification, only incorrect orperformance of identify, explain and assess and assess more than half at least half of the key explanation andfor irrelevant inherent risksanalytical most or all of the key of the key inherent risk inherent risk factors. assessment of only a few of suggested.procedures) inherent risk factors. factors. the inherent risk factors.Marks 1'20 20 l 5 l 0 5 0Assessment of The facts of the case have The facts of the case have The facts of the case have Some facts of the case have No logical attempt atcontrol risk been carefully and logically been logically analysed to been soundly analysed to been considered resulting in analysis is evident, withanalysed to correctly correctly identify, explain identify, explain and assess the identification, only incorrect oridentify, explain and assess and assess more than half at least half of the key explanation andfor irrelevant control risksmost or all of the key of the key control risks. control risks. assessment of only a few of suggested.control risks. the control risks.Marks I 12 12 9 6 3 0Audit testing: Given the facts of the case, Given the facts of the case, Given the facts of the case, Though not always Choice/explanation ofexplanation of test highly appropriate tests of appropriate tests of control some appropriate tests of appropriate, somewhat tests of control is notof control control have been designed have been designed and control have been designed relevant tests of control have relevant/accurate,and insightful explanations sound explanations and adequate explanations been designed but with resulting in a superficialprovided to clearly and provided to logically provided to demonstrate how limited explanations to consideration of thelogically demonstrate how demonstrate how they deal they deal with related risks of demonstrate how they deal related risks ofthey deal with related risks with related risks of misstatements in this case. with related risks of misstatements in thisof misstatements in this misstatements in this case. misstatements in this case. case.case.Marks [4 4 3 0
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