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3.  Select metrics that are aligned with the organization's objectives in order to ensure organizational success while also evaluating the total rewards program Examples of metrics can include quanti

3.  Select metrics that are aligned with the organization's objectives in order to ensure organizational success while also evaluating the total rewards program Examples of metrics can include quantitative and qualitative measures such as reducing turnover, reducing time to hire, increased production or services, more satisfied employees, more satisfied customers, or ability to expand or introduce new products (or other key objectives of the business plan.

4.  Formulate a plan for implementing a total rewards program in order to ensure success of the program.

 In this assignment, you will write and present a MS PowerPoint Presentation that describes and justifies the metrics that you will use to evaluate the effectiveness of the total rewards that you will propose for the organization you used in the first assignment. As you did in the first presentation, use bullet points and place notes in the notes section. Pretend you are making a presentation to the class. The course material provides examples of metrics and how they are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the Total Rewards Program. These metrics will used as a portion of the final paper due Week 8 (the final assessment for the class). At least three scholarly references from the course materials are to be presented in APA format, as well as respective in-text citations and relevant Web site documentation if information about the organization is taken from a Web site.

You will define the term metric (note that the term is not matrix, is not a metric system, and there is a singular version of the term (metric) and a plural (metrics) version of the term, explain how metrics are used to evaluate the success of the total rewards program, identify, describe, and provide examples of at least three metrics and share how you will collect the data for each metric and how you will set the benchmark or goal target for each that you would use to compute and analyze the Total Rewards Program in the organization you are studying in the course. Justification for the metrics (explain why you selected the metrics you did) and how they link or align with the organizational objectives, requisite competencies, and challenges should also be included.

At the least, the presentation will include the following segments:

1.  Title Slide

2.  Introduction and Purpose of the Presentation

3.  Academic Definition of the Term Metric and the Source for the Definition

4.  Explanation of the Use of Metrics in Evaluating the Success of the Total Rewards Program

5.  Three Metrics that are Relevant for Evaluating the Total Rewards Program of the Organization (Identify, Describe and Provide Examples AND share how you will collect the data for each metric AND how you will set the benchmark or goal target for each). Be sure the metrics (another name of the action of measuring) are ones that will tell the organization if the total rewards program is effective. For example, the metric of the percentage of turnover of the organization by itself is not sufficient - it is just a percentage that is neither good nor bad. What is a relevant metric related to turnover is the number of people leaving the organization due to the rewards being offered or lack of them. Be sure you can answer the question - what is this metric telling me about the effectiveness of the rewards the organization is offering? If it does not directly tell us if the rewards program are the right ones, select another metric.

Also, share how the data will be collected and how you will benchmark or set a goal for the metric. A benchmark or goal can be set by comparing outcome of the metric to the competition or last years results, for example.

6.  Justification of the Metrics Selected (Links to the Organization’s Success, RequisiteCapabilities, Competencies and Challenges). Explain why the metrics selected are the right ones for the organization.

7.  Conclusions - describe the metrics you have selected and what you learned in this activity about the use of metrics to evaluate the success of the total rewards program of an organization.

8.  Reference Page (at least three scholarly sources from course materials - all references are to be listed in alphabetical order)

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