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4) A subset of the MAST 333 data on 'age' is provided below, alongside its dot plot. 24 26 22 21 20 23 31 25 22 34 22 26 24 24 24 20 3 l 22 23 23 20

Note that because its a subset of the data, its a sample and not a population so variance would be,

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4)A subset of the MAST 333 data on ‘age’ is provided below, alongside its dot plot. 24 26 22 21 20 23 31 25 22 34 22 26 2424 24 20 3 l 22 23 23 20 22 24 25 23 so 32 34age,subset 4a) Calculate the mean, median, and mode(2 points) 41)) Calculate the standard deviation(2 points) 4c) What percentage of observations would you expect to be within two standarddeviations from the mean? (2 points) 4d) Calculate the z-scores for the largest and smallest values. Based on the criteria of z-scoras larger than (absolute value) of 2, are there any outliers? (2 points)
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