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4) The function of the United Nations Joint Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) is to:

4) The function of the United Nations Joint Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) is to:a. promote a global agenda to address individual, community, and health policyfactors that contribute to the spread of HIV.b. create health policies for developing countries to curtail the spread of HIV.c. market HIV medications.d. disperse HIV medications to developing countries.5) The ELISA test was designed to:a. detect the levels of CD4 cells in the body.b. identify the presence of HIV antibodies in the body.c. measure the number of T helper cells in the body.d. help the body produce T suppressor cells.10) When controlled, _______________ can lessen the risk of contracting cardiovascular disease.a. behavioral factorsb. essential personality featuresc. primary behaviorsd. moderating risk factors14) Which of the following is NOT a common symptom of heart disease in men?a. Tightness in the chestb. Pain in the shoulderc. Shortness of breathd. Pain in the left arm16) One of the first steps to improving longevity is:a. regular exercise.b. moderate consumption of alcohol.c. maintaining a moderate weight.d. All of the above.17) One of the problems with the early nutrition pyramid was that:a. many people did not understand what was meant by a “serving.”b. the pyramid was diffi cult to remember.c. most people were unaware that the pyramid existed.d. All of the above.18) Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is more prevalent in:a. males.b. females.c. children.d. elderly females.19) Osteoarthritis (OA) is considered a(n) ______________ disease.a. curableb. non-infl ammatoryc. acuted. degenerative joint20) Which of the following is a cause of osteoarthritis (OA)?a. Genetic abnormalitiesb. Developmental defectsc. Obesityd. All of the above.21) Osteoarthritis (OA) most commonly affects:a. the smaller joints.b. the larger joints.c. multiple joints simultaneously.d. the ligaments near the bones.22) Gout is caused by:a. infl ammation in the neck and spinal cord.b. fusion of the spinal cord.c. crystal deposits in joints and tissues.d. specific genetic markers.23) Gout is most commonly diagnosed in:a. early childhood.b. ]adolescent females.c. adolescence.d. the elderly.24) Behavioral observations of pain may be obtained:a. in a psychotherapist’s offi ce.b. through the Brief Pain Inventory.c. during the execution of daily activities by relatives, friends, or caregivers.d. by administering the McGill Pain Questionnaire.25) Scott and Huskisson helped popularize ______________ to rate pain severity.a. visual analogue measuresb. behavioral observationsc. verbal questionnairesd. written questionnaires

4) The function of the United Nations Joint Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) is to:a. promote a global agenda to address individual, community, and health policyfactors that contribute to the spread...
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