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4A - Effective Persuasion Essay Instructions: Complete the attached worksheet (this information is listed in the worksheet) Part I: First of all, you will revise the provisional thesis statement that

4A - Effective Persuasion Essay

Instructions: Complete the attached worksheet

(this information is listed in the worksheet)

Part I: First of all, you will revise the provisional thesis statement that you generated in the previous unit Discussion and identify the underlying assumption. Make sure the thesis is concise (1–2 sentences) and includes two parts: a proposal for solving a problem and a reason that solution is needed.

Previsional Thesis: listed in the worksheet

Write your revised two-part thesis statement here, and be sure to include a claim + reason (the “because” or “since” clause): 

***Insert answer***

State the underlying assumption of your argument:

***Insert answer***

Part II: Use the rhetorical situation (author, text, purpose, audience, setting) to brainstorm about the main elements of your argument. You will be the author and the text will be a scholarly essay, so there is no need to answer those two parts of the rhetorical situation. Identify the other three elements of the rhetorical situation below using complete sentences:  

1.     Purpose – What do you hope to accomplish by making this argument?

***Insert answer***

2.     Target audience - Who in the community can make the change and what other stakeholders will be affected by this issue and your recommended change?

***Insert answer***

3.     Setting – Name and describe the community you will write about.

***Insert answer***

Part III: Describe how you will use the appeals of logos, ethos, and pathos to make your argument more compelling to your audience.

Pathos – Identify your target audience and what values, priorities, and emotions you must take into consideration to make a convincing argument.

***Insert answer***

Ethos – Describe what points of disagreement, assumptions, misconceptions, and valid concerns you will need to address to show a complex understanding of the issue. What are some common ground opportunities that you can use to show that you understand their position and agree with parts of it?

***Insert answer***

Logos – Describe what logic, examples, and evidence you can use to support your explanation of the problem and your proposed solution? What logical fallacies will you need to avoid?

***Insert answer***

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********** ************* ** First ** *** *** **** ****** *** *********** ****** statement **** *** generated ** *** previous **** ********** *** ******** *** ********** ********** Make sure *** thesis ** concise ****** ********** *** ******** *** ****** * ******** for ******* * ******* *** * reason **** solution ** ***************** Thesis: ************ ** urban areas ** **** ********* due ** **** ** funds *** ******* resources Local *** ***** ******** ****** ******** ******* ** ******* ********* ********** **** ******* temporary ******* for *** ******** ******* **** **** ******* *** safety ** the ******** *** others in *** community Write **** ******* two-part ****** ********* here *** be **** ** ******* * ***** + ****** (the ************* or “since” clause): ****** ****************** ** a *********** ******* ** ***** ******* *** ** **** ****** policy **** redirects *** ********* to ****** ************ ***** and ***** ******** ****** employ ****** ****** measures that ******** funds to ********* ********* ********** ** ****** *** homeless ***** ** **** enhance *** *********** standard ** ****** *** **** ********** *** ********** assumption of **** argument:Insert ********* ********** ********** ** **** the ****** ** *** abandoned buildings *** willing to sell ** handover ***** ******** to *** state ** local *********** *** strategy will not be ********** ** *** ******* ****** of *** abandoned ********* are not ***** ** ********** their ********* ** **** *** ******** ** *** *************** *** *** *** rhetorical ********* ******* text purpose ******** ******** ** ********** ***** *** **** ******** of **** argument *** **** ** *** ****** and the text will ** * ********* essay so ***** is ** need ** answer ***** *** parts ** *** ********** situation ******** *** ***** three ******** ** *** ********** ********* ***** using ******** sentences:1 ******* *** **** ** you hope ** accomplish by ****** this argument?Insert ********* ******* ******* of *** argument ** to end ************ ** urban centers through ***** ****** ****** ***** ***** *** ********** ** ***** to ****** *** ********** *** ************** ************* to focus on ********** abandoned ********* ** * ******** ** ending homelessness ** ** **** ***** ** ********* the ****** ** ******** ***** ******* ** ***** on ***** solutions ** *** homelessness2 Target ******** * Who ** *** ********* *** **** the ****** *** **** ***** ************ **** be affected ** this ***** *** **** *********** ************* *********** *** ***** *********** can **** ********* decisions **** **** **** *** ******** ************** ************* can ******* **** *** *********** in ********** *** ********* ********* *** ******** ********* ****** ** ******* and *** ******** *** *********** ** **** considerable ****** ******* ********* ** ***** **** ** ********* ****** ************** *** ********** ** ending homelessness ** ***** ******* ****** Dones ***** ******* ***** ********* especially ***** that neighbor *** abandoned ******** **** **** *** ************ ******* *** **** *** ******** *** ********* *** will ***** aboutInsert ********* ******** ********* ** ***** ******* ** *** focus of the ******* ** is * multi-racial demographic **** ******** *** ******* families and veterans It ** mostly a society **** ** ******* *** pinch ** the ******* ******* **** of *** ****** *** *********** ******** ***** ****** are homeless *********** *** ****** of ******** ** decreasing ** some ****** ** the governments play an ****** role in ********** *** *********** **** Describe *** *** **** *** *** ******* ** ***** ***** and pathos ** make your ******** **** ********** ** **** ************** – ******** **** target audience *** **** values ********** *** ******** *** **** take **** ************* ** **** * ********** ************** ********* governments should reclaim ********* ******** for the ******** ***** **** ** **** have families ** young children ** is unfair *** ****** ** *** ** the cold ******* ***** abandoned ********* remain unusedEthos *** ******** **** ****** ** ************ *********** ************** *** ***** concerns *** will **** ** ******* ** show * ******* understanding ** the ***** **** are some common ****** ************* that you *** use ** **** **** *** ********** ***** ******** *** ***** **** parts ** it?Insert ******** ** ******** that some people **** view *** ******** ** * ***** of ********** ********* ** ** ************ on ********* rights **** *** paying ******** ** ** ** *** **** ** **** ***** funds **** be *** ** good *** **** ****** use *** ***** ** **** ******* your ****** ******** ** ***** ***** *********** **** *** ********* ******** **** ** ****** compensated *** **** * revenue **** ********* ******* investments ***** *** ******** **** logic examples *** ******** *** *** *** to support **** *********** ** *** ******* and **** ******** solution? What ******* ********* will you **** ** ************ ******* **** *** ****** **** to **** the state ** homelessness ** the ******* *** ******** ** 2018 *** *** ****** **** homeless ** ******* (Glynn ***** *** ***** * **** use ***** to ********** **** the situation ** dire *** ***** ****** make ******* ****** **** ** ********* ***** *** ** the trauma ** homelessness I **** ******** ***** slippery ***** fallacies ** **** ******* connections between ****** I **** also avoid *** ******* ** ***** ************** ***** * ** ********** sensitive ****** on *** ****************************************************************************** * ***** Fox E B ****** ******** ** ************ ** urban America *** ****** of Applied ********** ***** ************* * Dones * ***** ******* M (2019) The ************ of ************ racism *** ****** ******* In ****** *** ********** *** 55-69) ****** ***** ChamZack * ****** Homelessness ********** *** Public Policy In The Ethics of ************* Philosophical Perspectives (pp ******** ***** ********

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