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5 pages in length, 12 pt. font, heading can be upto 16 pt. font. Fonts allowed - Calibri or Times New RomanScope Outline Glossary: define acronyms used Acronyms usedExample: CDC - Center for Disease
5 pages in length, 12 pt. font, heading can be upto 16 pt. font. Fonts allowed - Calibri or Times New RomanScope Outline Glossary: define acronyms used Acronyms usedExample: CDC - Center for Disease ControlPM: Rroject ManagerCOVID-19….. Problem Identification (1 Brief Paragraph): Individual Task Objectives/Deliverable (Translate Bullet Points into Paragraphs): List of Tasks Deliverable Produced or Requirements MetRESOURCE ALLOCATION MANAGEMENTHire 25 Administrative | Project Management Support Team from Sponsor:Support of the Project Managers: Filling Roles in Volunteer Management | Resource Management | Quality Control Management | Communication ManagementInitiate Social Volunteer Recruitment Campaign:Secure 350 Denver-based volunteers with sewing skills and materials needed for mask production 100 college student volunteers from for collection/inspection/mask sanitation/packaging & distribution team 100 medically trained professionals for health risk managementPublish Online Denver Essential Retailer Sign-Up Agreement: Collection of local retailer contact information | Signed waiver of liability to protect sponsor | Communication of terms and agreements | Explanation of schedule | Generate schedule for distributionSecure Central Operations Location at CU Denver Anschutz Campus Set-Up Operation Site: room assignment procedures/inspection/packaging/distribution/inventory of material resources/administrative staff | centrally located in Denver | accessibility to medical materials, professional staff labs | Meeting place for volunteer initiationPurchase Fabric for Mask Production from Denver Fabric Supply Pick-Up Fabric Donation from Fancy Tiger Denver Retail Store to be Delivered in Week 1 of Project: Securement of needed 3350 sheets of 100% cotton fabric 3350 sheets of cotton polyester blend fabric for mask breathability 12,00o yards Elastic Strap material 700 spools of thread at Bulk Pricing Fast DeliveryPurchase Packaging Materials from Denver Shipping Supply CO: Fabric Safe Sanitation Spray 55,000 Plastic Sealed Bags 25,000 BoxesRent 10 Vehicles for Collection Team from Budget DIA:Purchase Sanitation and Medical Screening Materials for Volunteers:Hire Quality Control Training Staff (5):OPERATIONS/QUALITY CONTROL MANAGEMENT:Create and Distribute Volunteer Information/Orientation Packets:Communication of Volunteer Management | Quality Control Management | Communication Management | Expectation for Mask Production | Schedule of EventsSchedule and Conduct Quality Control Training of Quality Control Staff:Conduct Volunteer Orientation Distribute Material Resources:Establish Communication Plan with Sponsor:Weekly Collection of Masks from Volunteers At-Home Health Screening: Individual Mask Inspection Against Approval Requirements Prior to Packaging:Weekly Mask Packaging, Preparation and Distribution:Conduct SanitationQuality Control Monitoring Procedure Daily:Track Production/Progress Weekly:Conduct Audit of Budget/Schedule/Resource Inventory Weekly:Select Winners of Volunteer Incentives and Distribute:Conduct Project Closing Meeting with Sponsor and Stakeholders Celebration: Timeline (Brief): By the _end of week #_ Task X,Y,Z will be completed Milestones (Brief): List of Major Tasks that Will be Completed No Time SpecificationI.e. recruitment of volunteers Approval Criteria/Reporting Requirements (1-2 Paragraphs): CDC Regulations, Communication Matrix, Quality Control Documentation etc….