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******* ******** ********** *** ******* ******** ******************* ** *** *********************************** ********************** * to me ** **** ***** ******** to ********** *********** ***** society ** often **** ** ** ********* ****** than * collaborator ** authoritarian regimes ********* ** the ***** **** ** ** as * ****** ** **** **** ************* ******* ******* ** maintain ***** control **** the conduct ** *** *************** ***** When the ****** *** ********** ** ****** ********* ***** ** ***** *** right ********* ******* **** they **** become a destructive force capable ** overthrowing the government **** ** *** *** **** **** ** ** example of * logical ******* *** ************* ******* ** place across the ***** are ***** ******* pressure ** human ****** ******** both ****** *** outside ** their *** **************** ***** ** part the globalization ** the ***** is responsible for the **** **** ************* *** involvement ****** borders *** ****** increasingly ********** ** *** outright ********* ** ***** ** recent yearsFor ******* *** ******* ********** *** *** a ****** ******** on ******* ***** ******* *** of ***** *** ************* ******* and this has *** ******* *** *** **** **** *** Kremlin *** ********** ******* over *** country by intimidation ******** and use of **** In ********* when *** *********** **** ********** ***** society or when the *********** have failed ** adequately ***** to legitimate ******** **** ******* ******** of ***** ******* **** ******** *** **** revolted ******* *** ****************** society *** **** split for ********* ** * ****** ** * *********** ** centrifugal *** *********** **************** 2011) ******** leaders ********* civil society *** *********** ****** have ****** ** ********* or ******* central ********* ****** *** ****** ** *** ******** century ** **** ** * *********** ** *** ******** ********** ** realize *** **** ********* numerous ******** ** civil ******* **** ******* ** **** center stage **** the ****** central ********** ** ******* ********* ******** Putin ************* **** *** ********* in *** ******* which ** ******* ** *** *** ** ***** and the restriction ** *********** ****** as **** ** *** ****** **** ***** ******* submit to the arbitrary ********* of *** KremlinFor *** ******* ** ********** * ******** ******* of ********** institutions *** practices ** *** **** of *** ***** ****** *** ******* ********* vocabulary and ********** **** the Western ******************** ***** It ****** ** ***** **** **** ** * ******* manufactured by *** ************ dictatorship ** order ** ******* *** impression **** Russian political ******* ** ***** practiced ******** *** elaborate ********* ******* **** ****** has adopted from *** **** *** ***** **** ** ********** and **** *** *********** **** the purpose ** ******* ***** ******** ***** ** **** the ************* ** our political culture do *** worry ** ***** our ********** ****** ********************* 2012) ***** ***** *** ********** ** Sunday ***** *** ***** *** ** **** people *** we ***** in * **** ****** ****** ***** ** *** ** *** *************** **** **** *** ****** *** ****** ** Russian ***** *** ************ **** ** ********* ** **** detail **** before ***** ******* ** ****** ** in ********** to *** ruling ******* ******** and authoritarian ********** ******* the **** **** **** influential ******* ** *** ****** class ******* ***** with Surkov's points of ******************* * * ****** Law *********** *** ***** society ** ****** *********** ******* ***** 193-213Henderson * * ****** ***** ******* in ******* state-society ********* ** *** ************ era Problems ** ************** ***** 11-27Sharafutdinova G ****** **** ******* *** ******** ** ******* in Hybrid ******** Managing ******* ** ************** ******

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