58. What type of partnership was XYZ law firm? A. A partnership at will B. An equitable partnership C. An absolute partnership D. A terminable
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58. What type of partnership was XYZ law firm? A. A partnership at willB. An equitable partnershipC. An absolute partnershipD. A terminable partnershipE. An agency partnership 5 true regarding whether Wally had actual authority to bind 59. Which of the following iat the office supply store? the partnership in regard to his purchases A. Wally did not have actual authority to bind the partnership. B. Wally had actual authority to bind the partnership because the law firm had not notified anyone at the office supply that he was no longer authorized to make purchases for the law firm.Wally had actual authority to bind the partnership so long as the purchases were made within seven days of his resignation.Wally had actual authority to bind the partnership so long as the purchases were made within ten days of his resignation.Wally had actual authority to bind the partnership only if he cannot be found E.within one year of the date the purchases were made.
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