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6) Financial Intermediaries a) Describe two ways in which nancial intermediaries help lower transaction costs in an economy b) Describe two specic

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6) Financial Intermediariesa) Describe two ways in which financial intermediaries help lower transaction costs in aneconomy b) Describe two specific procedures that financial intermediaries use to reduce asymmetricinformation problems in lending, and explain how those procedures mediate the problemsof asymmetric information. 7) Compare and contrast the objectives of liquidity management and asset management for acommercial bank. Are there tradeofts involved with these two objectiva? Condude with acomment regardlng how these ohlectlves help to explain the structure of commercial banks'asset holdings (relerenoe the slide we looked at in class). 8) Consider a commercial bank with 5100 mi son in deposits, $15 million In reserves, $70 millionIn commercial loans, $10 mllllon In bonds, and $10 mllllon In stocks.a) Depict the banks balance sheet using a T-aocount. b) Suppose depositors withdraw $10 million in deposits on a given day. Depict this changeusing a t-acoount. c) Ifthe required reserve ratio is 10%, explain whether or not the bank is in compliance withfederal regulations. If not. what corrective actions might be taken by the bank, and whatmight have the bank done to pre-empt and avoid this problem.
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