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6 pages total Step one Write a 3-page, APA-style, Times New Roman, 12 point font, double-spaced description of the following topic “SOCIAL TRIGGERS ON ANXIETY". This description should include a deta

6 pages total

Step one

Write a 3-page, APA-style, Times New Roman, 12 point font, double-spaced description of the following topic “SOCIAL TRIGGERS ON ANXIETY". This description should include a detailed definition, illustrative examples for clarification, methods used to measure or study the concept, and any significant research findings. You should write this so that an intelligent lay person can gain a clear and reasonably detailed understanding of your concept. PLEASE INCLUDE AT LEAST 3 REFERENCES and it is OK to use Wikipedia as a source, but be sure not to plagiarize any portion of your paper. Note: Only discuss the topic itself, do not describe your plan for helping yet.


Write a 1-page, APA-style, Times New Roman, 12 point font, double-spaced description on a plan to help a person with low self esteem.

· Identify the specific goal you have for the person

· Explain how the topic you identified in Step 1 is relevant to that goal

· Describe precisely how you plan to effect the desired change

· Clarify how you will know that you have been successful


Reflect on what happened. Write a 2-page, Times New Roman, 12 point font, double-spaced reflection paper that addresses the following.

· What was it like to complete this assignment? What parts of it were enjoyable, frustrating, etc.? Did you learn anything about yourself or the person you helped?

· Did your plan work? What aspects of it worked and did not work?

· How would you improve your plan or the execution of your plan in order for you to be (even) more successful in the future?

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