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7 : Compare output ~ Some Random F 1 1 @ Name . Ext Input SomeOther Random F 1 1 @ Name . Ext Homework 6 - 2 Input File . Ext What is the name of

I'm creating this java program and need help to resolve an error. Here is the requirement for the program:

  • In a class named, use the following prompt to get the fileName of the input file from the User: "What is the name of your file?"
  • If the File doesn't exist, do not crash, but instead display "File Not Found " + fileName and repeatedly prompt until the user has entered a valid file name.
  • If the File exists, read from the File.
  • Capitalize the first letter in the file and capitalize the 1st letter after every period and correct the spacing by removing any duplicate spaces so that there is only 1 space between words.
  • Write the modified output to a file named HomeworkOutput6-2.txt

Here's the code I have:;; java.nio.file.Files; java.nio.file.Paths; java.util.Scanner; java.util.regex.Matcher; java.util.regex.Pattern;;;public {  public main([] args) throws IOException {    Scanner scanner = Scanner(;    File file = ;    boolean createOutputFile = ;         () {      System.out.println();       fileName = scanner.nextLine();      file = File(fileName);       (file.exists()) {        /**         * read all files lines and convert to stream         */        Stream<> lines = Files.lines(file.toPath());         data = lines.collect(Collectors.joining());        /**         * split all lines with dot(.)         */        [] sepratedData = data.split();         test = ;         ( seprateString : sepratedData) {          /**           * trim() will remove all space at begin and end of string,           */          seprateString = seprateString.trim();          /**           * convert first character to UpperCase           */           (!seprateString.isEmpty()) {            seprateString = Character.toUpperCase(seprateString.charAt()) + seprateString.substring();            test += seprateString + +;            createOutputFile = ;          }        }        /**         * remove more than one space to single space         */         (createOutputFile) {          test = filter(test, , );          Files.write(Paths.get(), test.getBytes());          lines.close();        }        ;      } {        System.out.println( + fileName);      }    }  }  public filter( scan, regex, replace) {    StringBuffer sb = StringBuffer();    Pattern pt = Pattern.compile(regex);    Matcher m = pt.matcher(scan);     (m.find()) {      m.appendReplacement(sb, replace);    }    m.appendTail(sb);     sb.toString();  }}

This is the error message(unit test 2) I'm getting:

7 : Compare output ~Some Random F 1 1 @ Name . ExtInputSomeOther Random F 1 1 @ Name . ExtHomework 6 - 2 Input File . ExtWhat is the name of your file ?!File Not Found Some Random F i l @ Name . ExtYour outputWhat is the name of your file ?&quot;File Not Found Someother Random F 1 1 @ Name . ExtWhat is the name of your file ?&quot;2 : Unit test ~0 / 30Your outputFile Not Found Correct Output For 6 - 2 . ExtFailure ! ! ! !!
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