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A) Discicristata D) Stramenopila B) Rhizaria E) Archaeplastida C) Excavata ____ 36. The ___________ is the sexual structure that produces egg cells...

A) Discicristata D) Stramenopila B) Rhizaria E) Archaeplastida C) Excavata ____ 36. The ___________ is the sexual structure that produces egg cells in plants. A) Apicomplexa (sporozoans) B) Euglenozoa (euglenids and kinetoplastids) C) Gymnamoeba (free-living amoebas) D) Chytridiomycota (chytrids) E) Acrasiomycota (cellular slime molds) ____ 35. Which of the following Eukarya "supergroups" includes Rhodophyta and Chlorophyta? A) Discicristata D) Stramenopila B) Rhizaria E) Archaeplastida C) Excavata ____ 36. The ___________ is the sexual structure that produces egg cells in plants. A) strobilus D) archegonium B) antheridium E) sporangium C) stoma ____ 37. Which of the following statements is true of archegonia? A) They are the same as sporangia. B) They are asexual reproductive structures. C) They are the sites where male gametes are produced. D) They may temporarily contain sporophyte embryos. E) They are the ancestral versions of animal gonads. ____ 38. Which of the following

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