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A. the real interest rate b. real GDP c. the real wage d. None of the above increase. 58. According to the classical dichotomy, which of the

A. the real interest rate b. real GDP c. the real wage d. None of the above increase. 58. According to the classical dichotomy, which of the following increase when the money supply increases? A. the real interest rate b. real GDP c. the real wage d. None of the above increase. A. real GDP b. unemployment c. nominal interest rates d. All of the above are correct. 59. According to the classical dichotomy, which of the following is influenced by monetary factors? A. real GDP b. unemployment c. nominal interest rates d. All of the above are correct. A. real wage b. real interest rate c. nominal wage d. Both a and b are correct. 60. According to the classical dichotomy, which of the following is influenced by monetary factors? A. real wage b. real interest rate c. nominal wage d. Both a and b are correct.

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