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A. Why is civil rights legislation so important today? b. In this assignment, you will read and then write a reaction to a news article. To locate a news article, you have the option of using

A.     Why is civil rights legislation so important today?

b. In this assignment, you will read and then write a reaction to a news article. To locate a news article, you have the option of using many internet resources (just a few suggested web sites below):






The reaction to the news article will come in two parts, a summary and a reaction to the relevant parts of the article. The summary should include a brief overview of the article being reviewed. The reaction portion of the assignment will ask you to respond to the article. The news article must be within 7 days of the due date. And, the source of the news article needs to be properly cited in the assignment.

This assignment must have a minimum of 250 words.

C. After finishing the assigned reading and viewing the YouTube video about national security and civil liberties after 9/11, do the blog activity, discussing what you think the proper balance should be between individual liberty and national security during times of war or crisis.Your blog entry must have a minimum of 300 words.

National Security and Civil Rights after 9/11 featuring Dean Harold Koh- (972) National Security and Civil Rights after 9/11 featuring Dean Harold Koh - YouTube

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