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a) With reference to Softwood Pulp and Paper v FCT 1976 explain whether a deduction is available for interest paid on a loan during the preparatory...

a)   With reference to Softwood Pulp and Paper v FCT 1976 explain whether a deduction is available for interest paid on a loan during the preparatory stages of a business. In your answer discuss when would a business advance from a preparatory stage.

b)   With reference to Ronpibon Tin NL v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation (1949) 78 CLR 47 explain the importance of the 'incidental and relevant test" in determining whether interest paid on loans in deductible.

c)   With reference to FC of T v. Brown 99 ATC 4600; (1999) 43 ATR 1 explain whether interest paid on loans can be deductible after business activities have stopped?

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