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Access functions to accomplish the following tasks: ( Oracle 11g SQL) Im having a problem with the output a. Delete the order whose number is stored...

7. Access functions to accomplish the following tasks: ( Oracle 11g SQL) Im having a problem with the output

a. Delete the order whose number is stored in I_ORDER_NUM.

Public Function OrdersDelete(I_ORDER_NUM)

                      Dim strSQL As String

                       strSQL = "DELETE FROM ORDERS WHERE ORDER_NUM = '  "

                       strSQL = strSQL & I_ORDER_NUM

                       strSQL = strSQL & " ' "

                        DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

End Function     

b. Change the date of the order whose number is stored in I_ORDER_NUM to the data currently found in I_ORDER_DATE.

Public Function OrdersUpdate(I_ORDER_NUM, I_ORDER_DATE)

                      Dim strSQL As String

                       strSQL = " UPDATE ORDERS SET ORDER_DATE = '  "

                       strSQL = strSQL & I_ORDER_DATE

                       strSQL = strSQL & " '  WHERE ORDER_NUM = ' "

                       strSQL = strSQL & I_ORDER_NUM

                       strSQL = strSQL & " '  "

                        DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

End Function     

c. Retrieve and output the item number, description, storehouse number, and unit price of every item in the category stored in I_CATEGORY.

Public Function OrdersUpdate(I_CATEGORY)

                      Dim strSQL As String

                      strSQL = " SELECT ITEM_NUM, DESCRIPTION,STOREHOUSE, "

                       strSQL = strSQL & " PRICE FROM ITEM "

                       strSQL = strSQL & "  WHERE CATEGORY = ' "

                       strSQL = strSQL & I_CATEGORY

                       strSQL = strSQL & " '  "

                        DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

End Function    

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