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*********************** Budget ***************** ********** *** *********** ************* NameDate; Babycakes ****** ************************** ** one of *** top ****** conscious ***** ******** ******** in New **** City known *** its cupcakes ** ** expanding *** ******* ***** ****** ****** in *** Angeles California With an expansion like **** especially across ******* there ***** to be * *** ** ******* ***** the money **** ** spent *** ** *** **** **** ** ********* ***** the ***** **** is ** ******** the ****** The master ****** *** many ****** ***** ** allocate ***** ***** will be ***** The **** ** *** ****** **** will ** ******* ** in **** ***** **** ** *** ***** ********* the ***** **************** ** ************* ** **** * company’s ********* plans *** * ******* ****** ** time ******* expressed ** ********* ****** *** ****** *** ***** ** ********* ***** ***** * ****** ** ** ** **** ********* ***** *** *********** ** *** company *** ** ****** **** responsible **** ************** ******** ******** ********* ** ****** ****** *** a baby ** ** easy ** ** overboard *** *** the **** ********** *** ** ******* *** baby ****** ********* **** ********** Controlling ***** is ******* ********* ***** **** ** better managed **** * ************** outcomesThe need *** * ****** ** very significant ** ********* *** not budget the ******* ****** ** ***** ************ decrease **** ***** **** **** and ****** ***** * bit ** ***** or they ***** *** have ****** ******** ** **** *** a full **** ********** Either way the ****** of ***** will **** ********* the amount * ******* ****** **** the business ****** the ********** ****** in place ****** *** ** **** ***** of *** ******** ********** also **** **** **** **** ****** ************* ***** many ***** **** to ** produced *** *** *** *** *** ****** **** **** *** ***** ** ******** *** **** maximizes *** ******** ***** where **** *** ****** ** **** *** selling **** and more ********* *** **** allocate funds *** **** **** ********* would *** ** **** to ****** *** grow like ** ** ******* * budgetSales budget *** quarterSee ******** appendix ********** needed for special ****** order ** **** * ********** ******** ********** when ******* **** specialty **** ***** *** **** ** ***** to your ********* ** ********* Not ignoring ******** ** ******** ******** *** ***** goodies *** the ******* **** are *** of the ways ** **** your ********* ***** *** ***** ***** she **** ** ** create * ******* *** *** ******* ** it ** ********* ***** are ****** ******** ** *** ******** **** ******* *********** ********* *** ********** she is **** to ****** *** **** ***** *** ******** Using some information based ** **** *********** from *** ***** ***** ** *** and ************ *** *** specials will take off she ** able ** come ** with a ********* ****** *** ramping up ********** *** ***** **** She **** **** ** ******** *** number ** ******** ******** *** ***** **** **** will **** ******** *** ****** ** ******** *** **** ***** *** ***** on **** ** ***** on **** business as usual for *** **** surrounding ***** **************** vs ****** *********** all ** *** ********* in *** ****** ******** ******** the *** of * ****** budget might *** cut *** **** * ****** ****** ** one **** does *** change ** ****** ******* ************ ********* ***** **** *** ****** budgeted *** ***** could ** one amount of $150000 *** *** **** Using * ****** ****** **** ****** ***** ****** *** same **** ** *** amount ****** spent was ******* or **** ****** By ***** * flexible ****** **** ***** for *** variables ****** *** ****** ** ****** ** **** ******* ** **** what ** ******** ***************** ********* ************ *** ***** did not **** the ***** ** ******** ** her ******** ******** ***** *** *** of **** ******* *** **** the ****** ** ***** *** not ********* and *** ****** ********* ***** *** ** ***** **** an ***** 100 ******** made ***** **** ********* **** ***** ***** ** an ****** ** ********* being spent on items *** ******** ** ******* By ******* **** ******** *** **** of ******** ****** ***** ******** ** **** *** ******** ********** ** *** **** ***** ***** ***** **** a *** **** is ***** **** *** to ***** **** * ***** **** ****** ******* * potential **** of ****** ******* approximately **** cupcakes a month ** *** * move ** *** ******** direction *** * ****** **** ** ******* *** ******* waste and having **** little ** no ******* left ** *** *** ** *** day Corrective actionsTo correct **** **** ** revenue *** ******* *** would ** ** adjust *** ****** ** ******** produced *** *** ***** ***** ****** *** other *********** **** new production unit ******* could be more realistically ******** *** **** ** ** **** **** day *** cupcakes that **** **** and **** **** **** over ** *** *** of ******** This would help ** ******* *** ****** with ********** *** ******* In ***** *** her ** ******** the ******* *** **** ** ***** ** *** ********* costs while ******** the ************ ********** ******* ***** ******* ***** **** *** **** have ******* to ******** ** *** ****** ** **** as ***** ********* *** * ****** on *** ******************** **** **************** Sales ***************** Production **************************** UnitSalesEUSDEFGUTRUBFGURPUEUS -Expected Unit Sales1Red ****** 750$350$2625- **** **** ******** -Desired ****** ******** ***** ********* Velvet 750$350$2625- 7500 7500 750TRU -Total ******** Units3Red ****** 750$350$2625- 7500 7500 ******* * ********* Finished ***** Units4Red Velvet ************* **** **** ****** ********* ********** ********* Velvet ************* 7500 **** ******* ****** ************* **** **** ******* ****** ************* **** **** ******* ****** ************* **** **** 7509Red Velvet ************* **** **** ******** ****** ************* 7500 **** ******** ****** ************* **** **** 75012Red ****** ************* **** 7500 75013Red ****** ************* 7500 7500 ******** ****** ************* **** **** ******** ****** ************* **** **** ******** ****** 750$350$2625- 7500 7500 ******** ****** ************* 7500 **** 75018Red ****** ************* **** **** 75019Red ****** ************* 7500 **** ******** ****** ************* **** **** 75021Red ****** ************* 7500 **** 75022Red Velvet ************* 7500 7500 ******** ****** ************* **** **** ******** ****** ************* 7500 **** ******** ****** ************* **** **** ******** ****** 750$350$2625- **** **** ******** ****** ************* 7500 **** ******** ******************** ***** ***** 1500The ***** schools **** ********** Halloween Parties29Red ****** ************* 7500 **** ******** ******************* **** **** 75031Red Velvet1500$350$5250- ***** 15000 ************ ************** * ** ***** ********** ******************* **** **************** ***** Budget October's ********** **************************** ******************************* ****** ************* **** **** ******* ****** 750$350$2625- **** 7500 ******* ****** ************* 7500 7500 7504Red ****** ************* **** 7500 7505Red Velvet 750$350$2625- **** **** ******* ****** ************* 7500 **** 7507Red ****** ************* **** **** ******* ****** 750$350$2625- **** **** 7509Red Velvet ************* **** 7500 ******** ****** 750$350$2625- 7500 **** 75011Red ****** ************* **** **** ******** Velvet ************* **** 7500 75013Red Velvet 750$350$2625- 7500 7500 75014Red Velvet 750$350$2625- **** 7500 ******** ****** ************* **** 7500 ******** ****** 750$350$2625- 7500 **** 75017Red ****** ************* **** **** ******** Velvet ************* **** **** ******** ****** ************* 7500 **** ******** ****** ************* **** **** 75021Red ****** 750$350$2625- 7500 **** ******** ****** ************* **** 7500 75023Red ****** ************** 22500 ***** 2250Thanksgiving ******* ************* Velvet 1500$350$5250- ***** 15000 **************** "out ** *** ****** sale25Red ****** ************* **** **** 75026Red ****** ************* 7500 7500 ******** Velvet ************* **** **** ******** Velvet ************* **** **** 75029Red ****** 750$350$2625- 7500 **** ******** ******************* **** **** ******** Velvet750$350$2625- **** 7500 ******** * ** ***** ********** Sales$89250Appendix **** ***************** Sales ****************** ********** **************************** ******************************* Velvet ************* **** 7500 7502Red Velvet 750$350$2625- **** 7500 ******* ****** ************* **** **** ******* ****** 750$350$2625- **** **** 7505Red ****** 750$350$2625- **** **** ******* ****** 750$350$2625- 7500 **** 7507Red Velvet 750$350$2625- 7500 **** 7508Red ****** ************* 7500 7500 ******* Velvet ************* **** 7500 ******** ****** ************* **** **** 75011Red ****** ************* **** **** ******** ****** 750$350$2625- 7500 **** ******** Velvet 750$350$2625- **** **** 75014Red Velvet 750$350$2625- 7500 **** 75015Red ****** ************* **** **** ******** ****** ************* 7500 **** ******** ****** 750$350$2625- **** **** ******** ****** 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************************************************************** ********** ***** November 2 ***** ********* ******** CASE: ********* ** ***** ******************** ****** ****** ******** Retrieved from ************************************************************