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Acme Mexico City purchases two products (Product 1 and Product 2) that it stocks from three different vendors (Vendor A, Vendor B and Vendor C).

Acme Mexico City purchases two products (Product 1 and Product 2) that it stocks from three different vendors (Vendor A, Vendor B and Vendor C). The suppliers have limited capacity, and no one supplier can meet all of demand of Acme Mexico City. In addition, the vendors charge different prices for the products as shown in the table below:Vendor's PriceC$14$10Each vendor has a limited capacity in terms of the total number of products it can supply. However, as long as Acme Mexico City provides sufficiently advanced orders, each supplier can devote its capacity to product 1, product 2, or any combination of the two products, if the total number of units ordered is within its capacity. Vendor capacities are as follows.C800The demand at the Acme Mexico City store is 1000 units of product 1 and 800 units of product 2 .

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