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Affou Purpose of the Assignment: To generate content for the reflection memo for your ePortfolio. To begin drafting the reflection memo for the ePortfolio. To start thinking about the learning outcome


Purpose of the Assignment: To generate content for the reflection memo for your ePortfolio. To begin drafting the reflection memo for the ePortfolio. To start thinking about the learning outcomes for the course and how you met them.

Intended Audience: Classmates. Instructor.

Assignment Description: Write about what you learned in English 101 and what you learned from/appreciated about your classmates. Post it to this discussion.please do not use ChatGPT or AI and write in the basic English like sample 

Specific steps:

  • Look at the course learning outcomes in our course syllabus.(I've copied and pasted them for your convenience, below, as well.)
  • Choose at least four  course learning outcomes that stand out to you as the most notable for your experience in English 101 this quarter, and explain a) why this outcome is of special significance to you, personally and then give b) references to specific assignments and activities from the class that helped you with this outcome. (It's fine to do this as a bullet-pointed list. Copy & paste each outcome, bold it, and then write your response to it afterward as a short paragraph.
  • Respond to two peers. Say something personalized to them about your experience learning with them in class this quarter and pay them a compliment--what you enjoyed, what you liked about their writing especially, how they gave feedback, etc., and go back and find an example from their work that you can cite specifically in your response as an example of one of these things that you liked. Take your time with this part. Two points for each compliment plus a specific example! :-) Don't respond to someone who already has two replies unless there is just no one left without two replies at that point. Let's make sure everyone gets a response.

ENG 101  Learning Outcomes

  1. Practice diverse communication processes independently and within classroom communities for varying audiences and purposes.
  2. Practice critical reading strategies to examine and understand various texts, including academic assignments.
  3. Practice process writing and revision to focus on clarity, voice, creative experimentation, and rhetorical choices.
  4. Practice collection, evaluation, synthesis, and application of research from diverse media sources to convey meaning to intended audiences.
  5. Communicate a critical awareness of the relationship between power and literacy.
  6. Practice self-assessment and self-reflection to see ourselves as critical readers, writers, and learners.
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