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After completing the Getting Real activity in the module, submit a copy of your value mind maps along with a 150 word reflection in response to the following questionsmap is attached in documentsWhat

  1. After completing the Getting Real activity in the module, submit a copy of your value mind maps along with a 150 word reflection in response to the following questions
  2. map is attached in documents
    1. What was the one value you chose to keep? Why?
    2. How did you feel when you had to choose between values on your mind map?
    3. Do you think in life you may have to make such difficult choices?
    4. Is what is important to you today going to be as important to you in 5, 10, 20 years?

Note: Your responses to the reflection must be uploaded as a Word document (.doc or .docx) and formatted using MLA style. You may upload more than one item or have your results and reflection on the same document.

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