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After reading the book chapter, Let Me Google That For You: How Unlimited Information is Making Us Dumber, please post your thoughts on the reading in at least three sentences. Use a citation in the p

After reading the book chapter, Let Me Google That For You: How Unlimited Information is Making Us Dumber, please post your thoughts on the reading in at least three sentences. Use a citation in the post to practice proper APA in-text citing (not part of your three sentences). Feel free to post comments and start a discussion. You must post first in order to see other responses. I have included a post below as an example:

I agree with what the author is arguing. I think when people search on Google, it makes them feel as if they are now an expert on that topic. Typing words into Google should not be considered research. As Nichols (2017) points out, "research requires the ability to find authentic information, summarize it, analyze it, write it up, and present it to other people" (p. 111). There is a lot of misinformation on the Internet, and not everything found using Google should be trusted. 

Talking Points RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsRequired Length10 / 10 ptsIncludes a Quote10 / 10 ptsReading Talking Points30 / 30 ptsSubmitted a Post50 / 50 ptsTotal Points: 100

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