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All items graded on completeness and depth of response. ( Please proofread your responses for spelling, grammar and sentence structure. Up to 5...

All items graded on completeness and depth of response.  (Please proofread your responses for spelling, grammar and sentence structure.  Up to 5 points may be deducted for errors in these areas).

Instructions: Answer the questions below, providing at least 3-4 sentences for each response.  Include the question with your response.  The media reference is provided below.  Additional references are optional.  If you include additional references, please format them according to APA style.  Please type your responses below and use more than 1 page, if needed.

1)    How is this film similar to or different from other media you have seen, read, or heard on this issue or community? In what ways did it confirm or challenge ideas you held?

2)    What stood out as surprising or disturbing for you in the film? Describe a moment or scene that affected you and why?

3)    What questions / issues surfaced that you would like to know more about?

4)    Based on this film, discuss at least two factors that contribute to disparities in health status and health care utilization.


Adelman, L. (Executive Producer), & Fortier, J. M., Smith, L. M., Stange, E., & Strain, T. H. (Directors). (2008). Unnatural causes: Is inequality making us sick? [DVD]. Available from

* Here's the video's URL.

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