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Analytical paper on Civil Affairs' role in SOCOM Enterprise and how can  it be used to counter and irregular threat found today's operating  environment. Utilizing EACH of the five Civil Affairs's cor

Analytical paper on Civil Affairs' role in SOCOM Enterprise and how can  it be used to counter and irregular threat found today's operating  environment. Utilizing EACH of the five Civil Affairs's core task,  clearly write how you would counter the irregular threat  you have identified. 

Identified threat: Special Interest Aliens movement through South and Central America to the United States

 Grading: Times New Roman, 12 font, APA style 6-10 pages double spaced,  include a minimum of three references ARSOF 2035 MUST be one, Title  page, no abstract required, use reputable sources, no more than 20% of  the paper be quoted, proper grammar and will be  screened for plagiarism. 

Must have the following:

-Contains an introduction paragraph with a proper thesis statement and  introduction to the topics being covered in the body of the paper AND  contain a conclusion paragraph which states the thesis statement ans  summarized the topics covered. 

-Properly formatted according to APA style to include margins, spacing,  indentations, running head, title page, and page numbers. Also no  in-text citation errors. 

-specific and realistic threat (Given above, Special Interest Aliens movement through South and Central America to the United States)

- Every paragraph ends with a proper transition highlight key info from 1  paragraph to the next and create a logical flow between ideas. 

- Easily understandable, capable of being read all the way through  without hesitation, ideas are in logical order, clear and concise. 



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