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Answer each of the following questions below. A 2-3 page response should be provided for each question. References (in APA format) are required. Select three sectors from the following list to use
Answer each of the following questions below. A 2-3 page response should be provided for each question. References (in APA format) are required.
Select three sectors from the following list to use when answering the questions below (use the same three sectors for each question):
Transportation Systems Sector
Emergency Services Sector
Commercial Facilities Sector
Government Facilities Sector
Financial Services Sector
Defense Industrial Base Sector
Food and Agriculture Sector
Healthcare and Public Health Sector
1. Discuss the interdependencies of three of the critical infrastructure sectors listed above.
2. How are critical infrastructure assets prioritized in the three sectors you selected?
3. What measures do the three sectors you selected take to ensure continuity of operations?
4. What special considerations should be made for life and property that result as a consequence to an attack on the three critical infrastructure sectors you selected?
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************** Infrastructure SectorNameInstitution Transport ********* ******* ********* ********* financial as **** ** *** ******* ****** *** ******** ******* ** **** of *** ******** ************** **** *********** ********* ** *** national ***** *** *************** shows *** worth ** one ****** ** *** ***** *** ******** *** ********** **** ** ****** ** a complex sector **** ******* ** research *** *********** More ***** ****** practices ** well as ********** *** ******** of *** ******* ******* *** attributed ** *** ********* *** finance ****** *** *** practices ** *** ******* sector *** **** ** ensure **** subsystems as **** ** components meet the required security standards ****** the ******* ****** there are **** ****** defense ********** base companies *** *** contracted ** *** ********** of ******* The ********** ** the defense ********** ******* ********* ******* **** *** finance ****** ** ****** **** ********** *** ** check Apart from *** ********* services that *** be offered through ***** air *** **** ***** ** * ******* **** to **** *** ********** (Petrakos & ************* 2019) Funding *** ***** *** to ******** and development and ** turn *** to the realization ** ******** tools **** ******* *** ** product *** ******** *** ****** **** to ******* ******** ********** *** **** ********* works best ******* ********* ******* and provision of ********* ******** ** ******** ********** Meeting *** ******** requirement ******* ** ******* ******** infrastructures such ** *** ******* *** transport *** ******* ** ****** on *** ***** critical ************** ***** the bond that ****** ** *** ******** ************** ******** It ***** **** ******** ************** is ** ********* ********* in *** nation The ********* sector *** **** ********* to **** ******* ** *** ********* ********** ***** **** *** ********* *** ******* sector The ******* ** ******* * **** **** ******* ** *** reduction of cyber-attacks ** *** security ****** ***** the worth ** *** ******* ****** * **** *** ** organizations ** different *********** ******** from the ****** ** ** can offer ********* and credit ** ********* Besides investment ** other ******* through the ********* of funds shows *** *************** **** originates ******* *** ********* national ******* ***** ***** ** ********* **** ** *** critical infrastructure ***** are *********** ********* ***** ** ******** ************** *** ********* ******** ****** represents a vital ********* ** our ******** critical ****** ************** ** al 2016) Thus *** ******* ** ******* ************ ** a ******* ********* ** the ********** of the ******* ****** ** ***** ******** ***************** ********** ** Homeland ******** in *********** **** ***** ******** ************** ******* that both *** ******* and ********* ****** *** *********** *** transport ****** *** different ********** ***** *** ****** to the defense and finance ****** *** managing *** ******** **** ** ********* both the ******** *** ******** ******** *** transport ****** ** dependent ** ********* ******** *************** The ******* transportation agency has * ***** **** ** ******** **** other ******** infrastructures *** **** *** ********* ********* *** plans **** *** ** **** ** ****** the ******* *** ******* ****** **** sector works together through partnerships ***** **** tend ** *********** **** the ******* ************ *** ********** coordination between the ******* ********* *** ******* sector ***** **** ***** ** regular ************* **** aims ** ******* *** ******** ****** *** ability for each ****** ** depend on one ******* ***** the ******** that ****** ** the ******** government with *** sole ******* ** improving *** ****** **** ** *** ****** ************** et al ***** **** *** critical *************** *** *********************** of ******** ************** **************** of ******** ************** through ************** ******** *** essential ****** **** ********** *** ******** ********** ** **** ** *** national defense ********** The ******** ************** *** ****** **** ** identification ** *** ********* ******** ******** ********* ***** may be **** *** complex The ********* **** ** ******* *** ******* ** *** finance ******* and transport ****** *** ******** ******** has always ******* ** *** ********** ** ******* **** the ********* ** ********** *********** ************** has **** ***** to have ******** ********* *** ********* ensure that *** resilience *** instance of vulnerability *** ********* ** **** ****** potential ******* ********* & ************* ***** ********* *** ***** disasters ** *** ******* **** ** ********* defense *** financial ***** ******* a great **** to *** national interestsAccording ** *** ****** of ******** ********** there ** * ******* need *** ************** of priority assets ********** ******** ****** that they ****** ******** *************** whose ************ to ******** economic and social ********** ** ********** **** ***** *** ****** in the ******** ************** *** *********** ***** ** *** vulnerabilities This ***** mean that the ********* sector *** transport ****** ** **** ** *** ******* ****** ** ******** ** the ***** ** *************** ****** ************** ** may ** ****** ** the ********** of *** critical *************** ** ******* of capabilities incident ************ as **** as interdependencies The ***** ******* were *********** based ** *** ***************** ** ********* *** ***** ** ******** ************ ***** ********* ***** **** ******** ************ ** ********** ******** is ******** ** ***** room *** *** *********** and ************ ** *** critical ********************* *** ************** can ** **** based on *** **** ** ************ ** determines ************* ** critical ************** protection ******** **** ************ ***** on *** jurisdiction ** ** essential ** classify *** assets **** *** levels ****** ***** ***** * *** * *** consequences realized ** *** critical infrastructure ********** *** level of assets This *** lead ** *** ************* ** the number of ****** *** *** *** ***** in *** ******** ************** ** **** as *** output generated from *** *** of the asset **** ********* the ****** ** ** ***** ** ******** *** ****** *** **** ******* **** *** ************** when ****** ******** ** ** * ***** ********* that *** ********* ***** ********* to * ******** infrastructure ****** ***** ** *** ****** ********* In **** **** considerations will ** ***** ** *** ******* ******* *** ********* to asset ***** *** requires **** ******** *** *** a ****** ****** ** ****** ****** ** *** one with a higher number ** ********** ** **** ********** **** ****** priority ** ***** the clash ** interest *** ******** *** ********* sector ****** ** ***** the ******* priority **** it has ****** ********** and a ******* ****** ** ****** *** ******* ** ******* ****** and improve *** *** ** ******** **** making ********* ** ******** (Radvanovsky ***** McDougall ***** *** **** ******** ****** be made ** ****** that it **** *** ****** *** overall ******** ************************ ** ************* ******* and ********** **** ****** considers ******* ******** ** ****** *** continuity of *** ********** in *** ***** ** ** attack *** **** common **** is ** ensure **** ** *** *** ***** ****** *** ** ****** that ** ****** does not affect *** *** ********** *** **** ******** ** ******* to ******* business ********** ***** that will **** **** ******** ** attack DIB sector owners *** ******** ** ******** * ****** ******** ********** plan that ****** both ********** *** ******* ********* ***** focus should be ** ********** *** ********** ** ***** ********** ** ********* *** **** of disaster ** ** *** ** compromise the defense ************ ** *** ******* *** *** ****** *** *** ******** ** make ********** ***** ** ********* ** ** much ** **** would **** ** **** ***** plans ********* ** ** ******* ** *** *********** ** ***** ********* ******* ****** ***** Klett ***** *** DIB ****** ********** communicate with ***** suppliers *** ******** ************ about ***** ******** ********** plans ** ** ********* ** **** ******** plans *** ******* **** **** **** **** ******** their ******** in *** event of a ******** *** owners ****** ********** have * **** *** their ******** assets ** ** ********* ** ******* **************** ** weight their ************ *** * disaster *** ******* ** improve ** ***** vulnerabilitiesThe ********* service ****** *** to ****** *** ******** continuity ***** ** ** ******** to *** sanity ** *** ****** * ******** ** *** ********* ****** will most ********* affect *** *** ******* ** *** economy ******* ** ********* chaos **** **** weaken *** *********** ******* ************ ******** continuity planning for *** ****** ****** focus ** *** ********** ******** ** financial ********** *** ********* ****** ****** ********* ******** **** will help ** ******** ** ****** ** **** **** the ********* ****** ****** **** * improve *** physical and ******* ******** **** ** *** ************ transactions ** *** financial ****** *** ********* ****** ** vulnerable ** ***** *** ********* ****** ****** ****** *** assets *** **** a ****** *** *** *********** ******* in *** event of an ****** *** ******** ** * ****** will ***** the financial ****** to ******** ******** information on financial services even *** **** ******** *** virtual ******* (Folkers 2017) ******* in the financial industry ****** ** ****** and ****** ** *** attacks **** ****** *** ****** ******* Simulations ****** also ** used to improve *** ********* understanding ** the processes **** they ****** ****** ** *** event ** ** attack ******** *********** **** help them ******* ******* and ******** *** ****** ** ** ****** ** ******* disaster ***** *** *** ************* *** ** ******* entities ** *** ******* ****** should have insurance ***** **** **** **** ** their business ********** ********** ********* ****** **** ******** * ****** business continuity **** *** contemporary ************** ****** ****** ** ********** to ************* ******* The ******** ********** **** ****** *********** ******** **** ****** **** they ****** ************* ******* **** ***** One approach ** to ****** that **** **** ****** ******* **** *** **** **** ** **** ***** primary ******* *** compromised *** business ********** ***** ****** **** ***** ** ********* the ********** ** *** ********* ************** ** ******* ******** ************** limits *** ****** of ** ****** and ********* *** loss ** life ** is also important ** buy ********* *** *** ************** to reduce *** financial burden ********** with ********** *** constructing *** ****** Simulations *** ***** in ******* *** ****** ************ ** ************* *** best *** ** ******** ********** ***** an ****** *** ******** ********** **** ****** entail ******** ********** for *********** *************** **************** Defense *** Industrial Base Sector has **** ** *** ********* minds in military ********** ** the ************ *** *** ******* **** have *** **** ******** ************ **** ******** *** world **** includes knowledge ** *** ************** ** *** ********** **** ** attack occurs ** will be ********* to *** *** ******* some of *** *** ***** in *** field ** ******* technologies **** ******* ***** ** ***** ** ****** **** ********* ***** ******* ******* like ***** Korea *** known ** kidnap *** *** *********** **** across the globe ** further their ****** ********* * **** ** ********* to *** *** prioritize the ****** ** **** ********* ** the event of an ****** It **** be ******** to *** *** preserve **** lives *** ******** *** damage ** *** ****** is ********* *** *** activities that ***** ****** ******* ** minimize the **** ** **** ** **** ** *** **** ******** ** is ********* to **** that **** ******** in DIB *** ********* *** their ******** ** vital **** ** property in this case **** include *** theft ** *********** ********** ****** the ****** ******* **** of *** ******** ***** **** **** * ****** ** ***** ******* ** *** ****** ******* ** ** ********* to ***** ******** *** dangerous ******** or ******** that ***** ****** dangerous in *** wrong hands **** the ******* ************** *** *** include ******** ******** ********* *** safeguarding ******** or ********* ************** *** financial ****** special ************** are ** ********* ****** *** financial ****** ******* are ********** ** remote attacks *** ********* ************* is the ******* ** *** ******* ** the ********* ****** **** ******* *** ****** ** ****** *** ****** **** ******* *** *** social security ******* ** **** citizens *** ******* ************* ** ** *** *** ******** *** ***** ** **** *********** or **** ******** the impact ** ***** *** ****** **** (Hammett ***** ****** ***** *** ********* ****** ****** **** ******** the ***** ** financial ****** ****** ** ****** **** ** attack occurs *** ********* sector ****** try *** reverse *** ************ ** minimize ***** ****** The ******** of * ****** system should **** *** ********* ****** ** ****** ******** information to their ********** *** ****** ** ****** ***** ******* **** ****** ****** ****** also be considered ** *** event ** * ******** ****** *** access credentials *** *** ****** ***** members *** ******** the ****** ** *** financial sectorAn ****** ** *** ********* ****** ** ****** to **** the highest impact ** **** unlike *** ***** two ******* It ** ********* ** ******** *** loss of life ****** ** attack The ****** ******* ****** ***** ** *** **** ******* to ******** the loss of **** ******* ** ** **** ***** **** ****** injuries ****** **** ***** treatments after ********* ** ***** that *** **** ****** to *** without ********* medical ************ The ****** ** ********** ** *** sector ** **** ****** to ** **** ***** requiring *** ************ ** ********* medical ********** ** is most ****** **** * single ******** ***** be overwhelmed ********* ********* ******** ** ** taken ** *********** *** ******* ********** ** such instances it ***** ** ********* ** provide *** support ** ***** ******** **** ***** need ******* ********* that ** *********** ** ***** hospitals ** ** equally ********* to ******** the damage ** ********* ************** ***** they *** costly and **** **** ********* ** ********* ** will ** ideal to try *** ******* critical assets ** ***** ** the ******** ********** process ReferencesRadvanovsky R * ***** ********* A (2018)Critical infrastructure: ******** ******** *** ********* preparedness *** *********** * Grayson M * Lau C Gerstell * * ***** * & Nicholson * ****** ************** ****** ********** ******** Infrastructure ******** ********** ****** ******** ************** Sectors ********* **** ************************************************************ * ****** M & Klett * (2017) ********* ************** ********** ******* ******** ********** ******** Journal ** ******** ********** & ********* ******** ***** 163-173Folkers * ****** ********** *** ************ business ********** ********** *** *** ******** ** ********* ********** ******* *** ******* ***** 103-127Hammett * * ***** ****** * (2017) Adaptive Finance to ******* Post-Disaster ******** **** ****** *** ******** *** *** ******************* * & ************* P (2019) ************* *** ********** *** ******** ************** ********** InCritical Infrastructure ******** *** ************* ****** Springer ChamStergiopoulos G Vasilellis * ***** G Kotzanikolaou * ***** ********* D ***** ****** Critical ************** ********** ****** classification *** comparison ************* ** the **** ************* ********** ** Critical ************** ********** ******* **