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Answer the following questions: 1. Decision Making and Management EffectivenessWhy do you think decision making is considered a fundamental part of management effectiveness? 2. How to Compensate for R

Answer the following questions:

1. Decision Making and Management EffectivenessWhy do you think decision making is considered a fundamental part of management effectiveness?

2. How to Compensate for Relative Lack of ExperienceAs a new, entry-level manager, how important is it for you to find ways to compensate for your relative lack of experience when trying to determine which alternative before you is most likely to succeed? What are some ways you can meet this challenge?

3. Using Social-Networking Sites to Help Market Your ProductsIf you were a manager in charge of new product marketing, what are some ways you might harness the power of blogs and social-networking sites to help market your latest products?

Managing Human Resources and Diversity

Answer the following questions:

1. Considering a Candidate’s Social Networking Sites in an InterviewIs it wise for managers to consider a candidate’s MySpace or Facebook postings as grounds for rejection before even interviewing a promising candidate? Is it fair? Discuss.

2. Maintaining an Effective Workforce with Exit InterviewsWhat purpose do exit interviews serve for maintaining an effective workforce?

3. is the Glass Ceiling?What is the glass ceiling, and why do you think it has proven to be such a barrier to women and minorities?

Please respond to at least two classmates' postings. This discussion forum will be graded as follows:

  • Full answer to the prompt(s) using standard English spelling and grammar.
  • S
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