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And advice about anxiety

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******* a ******** ** ****** a ****** ******** friends ** *********

•Ensure that *** *** well-balanced *****

•Avoid ******* *** ******** ***** *** ********* anxiety *** ***** ***** assault

•Ensure that *** sleep **** to ***** **** *****

****** **** have * ***** ***** ** **** **** body **** **** and ******** your *******

•Try ** ******* ******

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*********** ******** ***** ***

****** ******* ********** Symokiraa







**** ****






** *******

that ***



***** ***

********* **

********** **** *** ******** ***** leaving home travelling alone on trains ***** or **** ****** and being ** ****** places ** ** ****** Agoraphobia *** **** ** ******** ****** ***** * person ** this ********* ****** ********** that *** **** ******* be ** the **** ** ******* **** ***** begin **** leaving *** ***** ******** **** * ****** or * ******* ** ***** ***** ** ******** ********* from ******** ******* ** ***** direct ** *********** *** situation ***** is known ** avoidance *** **** of ** ********** can ** ********** to life ***** *** ****** ** ******** ****** ********** *********** ** *********** This ** the state ** anxiety ******** which ******** ******* *** ******* fear ** **** ********** ** *****

****** *** ** *********

** **** ***** ***** ********* ** **** **** ** **** ** *** **** ** bridges ****** ** being ******* *** ***** *** ****** ** America *** have *** ********* ** agoraphobia *** ***** ** ******* aged ** years and over ******* *** ******* of panic disorder and *** ******* age ** 20 years An ******* ******** ** when * person ***** anxiety and **** *** go away *** grows ** ***** ** *** time **** An ******* ** anxiety ** ***** ******** ***** ***** *** ***** ******* ***** ** *** ****** feelings ** ****** occurring **** without ***** ******** Agoraphobia ** ** ******* ** panic ******** The ***** attacks ** *** ********* are linked **** a *** ** **** in places *****

***** ** ** escape plan and **** to do ** ** ***** ****** *** ** available *** **** ****** which *** ****** **** ******** include *** **** ***** * ****** may feel *********** ******* or ******** such ** in ******* ******* areas *** ** ****** **** of *** people ********* from this ******** *** one ** **** panic ******* ******* them ** fear **** ******* *** ***** **** ********* of ******* People **** *********** *** ** **** ** **** **** a ********* ** **** **** can ** ** ****** places and never ** ****** ** ***** **** ******* Causing *********** Disorder *** ***** ***** is ***** known ** ** *** ******* according ** *** researchers the ********* *** ** related **

one or **** ** ***

******* that ******* Genes ************* ******* Spatial ********* ******** ***** ********* ***** **** of *** ******* have ***** **** certain ******* ********* *** ******** * person’s ********** ** *******

*** ****

***** ********* *******

** agoraphobia *** *******

******** occurs if

*** ******

instructions ** * certain genes when ******* *** ******* mixed ** ****** ** ******* mutations *** linked ** ***** disorder The example ** this mutation ** ***** ** ******** ** * **** ***** as *********** Families *** ** ***** ********* ******* the ********* thing **** ** the way **** ***** genes mutations ********** ** ***** ********* and still there ** ******* ******* on **** ** ********* whether ***** is * ************ ******* anxiety disorders *** ***** ************* ******* These ******* ********** agoraphobia ******* the ********** experience ** ********* traumatic ***** such ****** ***** previous ******* ** ******* ****** or drug being ** * ************ **** is ******* and

************ ** event

that ** ********* **** ** *** loss *** some ** ***** *** *** the ****** ****** ***** ***** ******** There is ******* ** **** ******* **** *********** *** ** ***** ******** complication Agoraphobia may occur *** ** association ** ***** ******* with certain ********** *** or ****** ***** an attack ********

*** *** thing

**** **** ****** ** avoidance ** those ****** ** ********* ******* ********* ***** **** been ***** ******* spatial awareness and agoraphobia ***** ****** with *** ******** have ******** ****** ** ***** and ******* *** **** causes an imbalance So ***** ** * need ** **** **

****** ******* in

* ***** *** Diagnosis of Agoraphobia *** ******** ** ********* ********* ********* ** ********* **** ** * ********** ******** who ***** *** ***** *** ******** Behavior descriptions may ** ***** **** *** ****** ** ******* ******** ** **** which *** **

******** *** ******* **

**** out ***** conditions ***** *** ** ******* *** ******** in * potential ****** ***** ***** *** ********* ** ** ******** Psychiatric *********** is the *** ** *** ** ** ********* ** *********** and ***** ********** ** ****** health ** ** *** diagnostic ******** for Agoraphobia through ***** ******* ******* fear *** ******* ********* ***** in *** ** the following ********** ******** ** being **** to ****** **** or **** **** in: In ** **** ***** ** ****** ********* ** *****

** ***** ** place that ** ******** *** of home ***** ********* of Agoraphobia ***** *** *** main ********* ** the disorder **** ** * *********** ** ************* *** ********** **** **

*** people *** use *********

as it *** best

*** *** ****** more *********

** treat ** people ********* ******

********* **** in ***** ******


*** ********** * health

**** *** **** ******* ********* serotonin ******** ********** ******* ***** ** * group of antidepressants can ** **** ** treat ***** ******** **** *********** The next ********** in ****** ** ************ ********** This is **** ***** as *************** ***** *** ********* ***** *** *******

*** ********

of ******* on *** ***** ** ********** Psychotherapy This

******** ******* **** * ********* so **** symptoms *** ******* in anxiety and **** *** ****** **** *********** function better and feel One ** *** most ********* *** ****** forms ** therapy *** anxiety disorders ********* *********** ** ******************** therapy ***** This ******* ** *** ******** ** ******** which *****

*** ********

************* *** ******* the ********* ********* *** ** ****** stress *** ** ******* *** causal ******* ** situations ** anxiety *** ** bring ******** **** **** make ***** ***** It ** unlikely the fear ****** true Survey ** The Current ******** ** Agoraphobia ******** *** ***** **** ******* by ****** **** **** in treatment ** *********** ** *** been noted

**** keeping *** ****** **

agoraphobic ******* ******** the risk ** *** ****** ***** ** complete

********* well **** it has **** ***** **** ******** who

*** ** *********** will ** ********* therapy Moreover


have ***** **** there *** *** ******* *****

******* ********* due *** ******* **** have This ** ******** 25% of *** **** *** *** ******** *** the ******** ** ***** ** *** *** the **** ** ** ***** ******* **** ** after ********** *** ******** *** ***** ***** ******* other ***** *** didn’t **** *** ******** *** diagnosis that ** *** ****** ******** shows **** ********* *** ********** *** ******* reality *** ************* **** help ******** agoraphobia ** *********** ****** ******* ********** ** conclusion *********** ** **** ******** in **** ****** ******* ** ******* ***** ***** ** ***** ** ***** ****** ****** *** ****** entering ***** or **** travelling alone ** ***** ***** ** ****** ***** disorder ** ************* ** **** *** ******* *** past ******** *********** and depressive symptoms together **** ****** ******* *** also ************* ** be ********** ******** ***



*** ******

prominent **** ** *** *************** experience ******* **** is too *** ** **** *** **** ** avoid ********** that are phobic ********** ****** American *********** Association ****** Statistical ****** ** ****** ********* *** Diagnostic **** ed) ********** DC ***** American Psychiatric ************ ****** Anxiety disorders (5th *** psychiatryonlineorg ******** *** ** 2013 ********* ** Mayo-Wilson E ** ** (2013) *************** cognitive ********** therapy *** ********** ******* (self-help) *** ******* ********* in ****** ********** ******** ******** ** Systematic ******* http://onlinelibrarywileycom/doi/101002/14651858CD005330pub3/abstract ******** *** 112013 ****** ** *********** in














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**** *** *** feeling ******* or ********* ***** ******* **** help *** ******


* ******** Apply **** **** heed to song ******** *** a *********** ******* ** ***** leisure ******* ******** ***** **** *** drawback ***** ***** your head Devour

************* ***** Do *** **** *** *********** Do ******** healthful ************** snacks ** ***** Limit

******* *** ******** which is **** ** ******** anxiety *** *** *** panic assaults ***

***** ***** **** burdened **** ******** ******* ******* sleep *** ******** ********

***** *** to ******* you think excellent and **** **** ****** ***** *** *** health **** below Take

deep ******* Inhale and exhale ******* ******

** ** ****** ****** *** **** ** ** if *********** **

**** ********** Rather of ****** for ********** ***** ***** ******** ** ******* **** ************ ***** *** **** ****

******** of **** *** **** are *** able ** manipulate everything *** **** ****** in ********** ** ** ****** ** *** ** *** feel? *******

***** * ********* ******* goes far Maintain

* ******** ******** **** ** ****** to ****** bad ***** **** ********* ***** Get

concerned Volunteer ** ** **** another ******** to ** ****** ** **** ************ which ******* * *** community *** ***** *** a break **** ***** ******* *****

**** triggers **** *********** Is it **** family ******* ** ********* **** which *** can ********** ***** in * ******* **** you’re ******* careworn or ******* *** look *** * sample *****

** *** *** ****** **** and ****** you’re feeling overwhelmed *** ***** **** ** **** *** **** *** able to aid *** ***** ** * health **** ************ ** therapist *** ******** *******

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