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APA format

Discussion Forum Instructions:

  1. Post a response to all four prompts below.
  2. Participation is worth 30% of your grade.  Active participation in the weekly discussion is expected by posting on at least three different days. 
  3. Meet the minimum word count for each post to get full credit.
  4. All posts must be completed by Sunday at 11:59 p.m.  No makeups are allowed.
  5. Use only the assigned readings to respond to the discussion posts.
  6. Your post must include at least one quote from each text used to receive full credit.

Post 1: Choose one assigned poem each from Bradstreet and Wheatley.  The purpose of poetry is to touch the reader's life in some way.  In order to do so, one needs to connect to the poem on a personal level.  Using reader response theory, discuss how you connected to the poems with comparisons to your life, your experience, your opinions or your knowledge of the topics.  In your post, demonstrate that you understand reader response theory.  Be sure to quote, cite, and reference from the text(s) using appropriate APA format.  Your post must be at least 250 words.

Post 2: Reply to a classmate regarding post 1; be sure to offer a new quote or idea to keep the conversation flowing!  Be sure to quote, cite, and reference from the text(s) using appropriate APA format.  Your post must be at least 150 words.

Post 3: Look at the assigned readings by Columbus and Cabeza de Vaca.  They are both explorers, but they give very different information regarding their findings. Compare the readings in terms of content (what they considered important to relate).  What major differences do you see in the accounts?  What differences do you note of their interactions with the Native Americans?  Do they both seem to be reliable narrators?  Why or why not?  Be sure to quote, cite, and reference from the text(s) using appropriate APA format.  Your post must be at least 250 words.

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