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APA format, list references and in-text citationsWithin each paragragh if you use quotation marks, please cite it.You can list the references for each question under that question if you want to.1. Ex
APA format, list references and in-text citations
Within each paragragh if you use quotation marks, please cite it.
You can list the references for each question under that question if you want to.
1. Explain “Broken Window Theory” and give examples from your professional or personal life where you have seen examples of these areas being conducive to crime. 400 words
2. What is the “school to prison pipeline” and how can this trend be reversed? 300 words
3. Strain Theory according to your text is the pressure to achieve socially determined goals. Do you think the “American Dream” is possible for everyone? Why or why not? 400 words
4. Analyze ‘relative deprivation’ and its connection to criminal activities. 350 words
5. What are the techniques of neutralization? Give examples of how a juvenile may apply these techniques when apprehended. 350 words
6. According to the FBI, there are now more than 33,000 violent street gangs in the United States. Using scholarly research, identify possible social and political reasons for the growth of these subcultures. 350 words
7. What are the policy implications of Social Structure Theory? 300 words
8. Do you believe that poverty and social injustice are caused by crime or does crime cause poverty and social injustice? Defend your answer with examples. 400 words
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********************** *** *************** ************** ****************** law ******** 1 Explain “Broken ****** ********* *** give ******** **** **** ************ or ******** **** ***** you have **** examples ** ***** areas ***** ********* to ******** ********* ****** theory” ** * ****** **** ** ***** ******** ** ** **** *** ***** **** as ****** ******* ** * ********** ***** period ** **** ** **** **** ****** problems **** ********* ***** ***** ***** **** and people from moving ** other areas It has been **** that ***** ** * ********** ******* ***** ****** *** serious crimes Once ** area ******* ** be *** **** ** may be ****** for the ******** ******* ** **** in *** **** over thus pushing *** good *** ****** ****** out *** ******** *** **** ***** as ** ******* or *** ***** ** * *********** ******* small ****** ***** ** big crimes When * looked ** **** ***** ****** * ***** ******** saying **** *** research ******** this ****** *** ****** ****** **** it **** *** * ***** **** to come **** somewhere ** *** middleYes * ******* **** ** residents police and **** ********* **** an ******** ** * ******* area ** town and work ** ***** ** up ***** ***** ** ***** calls ** ****** but * am not necessarily **** **** ******* crimes lead ** ****** ones I believe **** *** ****** ** ** area have **** ** ** with crime than small ***** ** large ** ****** ** a ************ ** longer **** **** goes ** ****** **** **** ** what ***** to crime ** * person can **** ***** ** * ****** corner *** ** *** cares ** ***** ****** **** ** **** causes crime *** ********* realize **** if they ****** ****** of ******** degree and no *** cares ** ***** ** **** **** **** **** **** ******** ** ****** **** ****** *** ************ **** ***** ** **** together ** **** **** **** **** ** harder *** ********* ** these ***** ** conduct ******** *** **** ******* ***** ******** ***** **** **** ****** ** ***** where **** are ******** but everyone has ** **** ** interest ** these rundown ***** ** ***** *** *** ******** ** be ********* ** major cities **** as ** there *** areas **** ******* ********* **** *** ** ***** *** areas **** ***** **** that **** ****** ** **** ***** **** **** **** rates ****** **** ******* ** *** corner ********* *** a ******* **** ** ******** ** *** **** ******* **** ***** ****** but *** ***** *** ***** ****** ***** on daily **** as murder ***** *** gang ****** These ********* ***** ** more **** ****** **** it ****** clear **** **** ** *** ********* cared **** went ** ****** **** *** ********* in ***** areas *** *** not ********* ** wish ** have * ****** **** **** *** *** ***** building ********* and in ********* **** ***** ***** *** **** to commit ****** places ** **** *** commit ***** ****** **** have been passed ** recent ***** ** **** ** * crime ** ****** ** *** ****** ** * way to **** ***** **** ********* ** others **** ******* ***** which **** ****** **** **** *** enforced ** the police I believe ***** ** area’s ********* ***** ** care about ***** they **** ** amount ** ******** *** ********** can ********** **** ** ******** Samaha ******** Law *** ***** ed ****** **** ** *** “school ** ****** *********** *** how *** this trend ** reversed? 300 *********** to ****** pipeline ** *** ******* ********** ** *************** ***** out of schools **** *** ******** justice ****** ******** 2015) ** *** ***** 1980s ******* ******** **** ******* ** President ****** ** **** make ******* safe learning ************ ** ******* ***** ******* *** ************ ******** *** ** them ****** *** ******* ************** *** ******** Schools *** was ****** ** 1994 *** ****** *** ******* ** ***** *** ******* ******** * *** ***** ** school ******** ******* ******* *** tied ** *** ********* ********** with this Act and ******** schools ** adopt a **** Tolerance **** ****** on ******** ********* *** ********* ****** ******** ** Colorado which claimed *** lives ** ** people *** ******* ** additional ******** and * ****** ** ***** school ********* ***** ******** gained ******** ***** ****** outcry *** ***** schools ** 2001 ********* **** ******* ** ***** **** ****** ****** ******** ***** required that schools refer to all ********** of ZT policies ** the ******** ******* ******** ** ***** *** *** welfare ** *** country ** * whole to ******* *** ******** **** **** *** ** ** increasing number ** ******** ***** ******** into *** STPP ******** *** demonstrated ********* ** *** **** *** ******* students from joining the ******** ******* ****** ** **** ******** * ****** learning *********** applying ******** ********** ********** ** prevent and ******* ** problem behavior and relationships ** mutual ***** (Wilson 2014) Programs *********** in ******* which help ** ***** ******** ** ******** ******** ************ for ******** *** be very valuable in reversing *** ******* ** ******** referred ** SROs Increasing *********** ******* matter ************ ** **** ** the essential ********** of that ********* ** specified ********** methods ********** *** ********* *** ****** with ****** ******* ******* ** schools (Houchins Shippen &Murphy ***** **** ************ of local community ******* *** year-round ************ ******** give ******** additional ******* ** **** **** **** ** their ********** ****** *** whole ** ******* *** ** ******** to eliminate *** ******** **** ***** ******* ******* ******** ********* service ***** boosters faith groups ***** *********** ************* *** ****** **** *** in *** position ** openly ******* students *** schools ******* ************ * * ********* school-to-prison ********* * ************* ********** Springer Publishing ************* H (2014) ******* *** *** school-to-prison ****************** Children *** ********** ********** * E ******* * * ***** ****** * * (2012) Evidence-based ************ *********** ************** ***** the school-to-prison pipelineTeacher ********* *** ******* ************** 271-2833 Strain Theory ********* ** **** **** ** *** ******** ** ******* ******** ********** ***** ** *** ***** *** *********** ******** is ******** *** everyone? Why ** why ******* ************* * country ***** on ******* ******** *** *** **** that ****** *** ****** *** ******* their ****** The ******* ** ******* is **** *** drawn ******** *** ******** ** ****** ** ******* *** centuries **** *** **** ******* when ******** ******** ********** *** idea of the ********* *** to the ******* ****** **** ******* immigration *** idea ** whether or *** ********* the ******** Dream is ******** ** ***** **** ********* There *** ******* ********* interpretations ** *** American ***** and ** time goes ** ***** *************** *** ****** ********* ** the ****** **** ****** ***** ** *** ******** ***** ** being very wealthy ****** a ***** ****** and/or ***** **** ** get ******** **** **** ******** **** **** Money ** **** ****** ** ** ** ********** ** humans ******* ******* ***** *** ******* ****** yourself ** **** ****** **** *** ********* ***** ** **** Money ** power However there’s more ** *** ******** ***** **** **** ***** ***** Truslow ***** ********* it **** ** his **** **** **** ** ******* 1931) ******** *** ******** ***** as *** dream ** * **** where life **** ** ****** ** well ** ********* *** fuller *** ******** **** * ****** *** everybody *********** to achievement ** ******* ******** ***** ***** ********* the ******** ***** is still ********** for *** Americans ** ****** their background *** prejudices they *** **** ***** ********* ** *** *** **** **** ********* American ***** is *** *********** for ******* **** as **** ** the search *** ******** The ******** Dream ****** **** **** ** *** around ** Hope ******** us *** ******** ***** can ** ******** ** ****** ******** **** is **** can be ******** *** ** *** ** particular has *** upper hand in ********* *** American ***** ** the ******* *** Attaining *** ******** ***** ** Still ******** ********* ****** **** *** of *** ones born **** *** ****** quantiles **** *** ** ** ** ***** ***** (Miller ***** *********** ** ******* ******* **** work ******** *** *** same *********** ** ****** ****** **** ***** even though some might **** ** **** harder **** others The dream is ***** ********** *** ****** *** were *** ****** ***** the **** ************* ******* they ***** **** *** ******* ** go **** *** ****** class ** *** middle class ******* ***** *** American ***** ******* *********** ***** reaching *** ******* ***** ** ***** **** rags to riches *** ****** improving **** where *** started and ****** ** ** * ****** ********* than *** **** ****** The **** ** ********* *** American ***** ** *** ** many immigrants **** ** America pursuing prosperity *** *********** ********* **** cannot ******* in their *************** ***** * ****** *** epic ** ************* MA: Little Brown ***** CompanyMiller * A ****** Comments ** ** ********* ** ****** *** ******* **** ******* ********** ******* ** ************** Law ***** ****** *********** ****** ******* ‘relative ************** and *** ********** ** ******** ********** *** wordsRelative deprivation ** the ******* ** a tactic which ***** ** **** ********* and ********** ****** ** ******** *** ** ****** * way to ********** ******* ******* *** ******* in *********** Relative deprivation is ****** to ********** properties **** *** ****** ** * person ** maintain * ******* **** ********* *** ********** ****** ** *** **** ** *** ******** ******** 2012) It’s ****** ** * stratified society *** **** contribute ** crime and *********** by ********** *********** that ******* **** blocked goals ******** causes emotive violence ******* individuals or factions on *** ***** ** ********* ********** ** ******* (Siegel 2015) ** ******** relative *********** is * *********** of ********* ***** ************** ******** known ** *** ********** psychological ******* One ** the earliest ******** ** explain relationship ** the ******* ****** ** ************ ** ******* that ****** *** **** ** ****** where ** ****** ****** or not ** long ** **** are ************ ** ***** **** ********** ********** the ***** *** connected to ******** *********** ** * stratified ******* ********* crime ** *** **** ********** ************ ** it ** ********** ***** ********* ** **** ** solutions ** ************* **** ************** *** ******* ******* ***** Punishments are used to deter ****** ******* **** relative *********** *** ********** school ** ******* important school ** criminology that ******* **** persons who commit a ***** **** **** **** * ******** *********** ** highlighted ** ****** ****** ******* ** ***** *** account *** *** ********** ** *** ********** *** to ******** deprivation ** * stratified society ******** 2012) Relative *********** *** definitely determine *** ***** rates as **** ** ******** ***** rates ********* ** ** **** ******* ** does **** *** ******** The ****** ******** **** **** *** ****** ********** raises then ******* as **** ** ******** ***** **** ************ increase ** *** other hand ** 2000 *** ***** **** in ******** *** ** *** 100 *** while ** **** ** ****** reduced ********** ** ** per ****** ******* ******** crime ***** ******* even * *** The theory ******** ** ********* the reasons *** ** ****** reduced **** ***** **** *** fact **** *** ***** poor person can be ******* ** ********* **** of **** basically may **** ******* *** ** commit those crimes ** of the **** ** ***** ****** ****** D * (2015)Brainstorm: *** ***** *** ******* ** the ******* brain ************** R * (2012)A ***** ******** ***** ******* *** *** ******** neighborhood ****** ********** ** ******* ****** **** are the ********** of neutralization? **** ******** ** *** * juvenile *** ***** ***** techniques **** ************** ******************* ********** **** *********** ** help ******** juvenile delinquencies *** *** reason ** ** *** **** committed crimes (Moyer 2001) **** ************** ** responsibility *** *** ********* ******* * ******** ** **** *** right ** ***** ******** in ** *** ****** ***** ***** ***** ******** **** *** answering to an ******** ****** ******* it ** another ********** ** an issue **** *** *********** **** ** **** they *** **** their ******** was ****** ***** control ****** ***** Sellers ***** ***** ***** **** ********* *** ****** ** ********* ******* ***** ******** For ******** ******** **** ******* *** ******* ****** ***** use this ** ******* **** where a ****** ***** *** assist ******** the ****** ** ** *** ****** *** ******** ** ********** ******** ****** *********** ** the ****** *** **** ********* *** ** ********** with denial of injury ****** different ** *** fact that juveniles **** ***** **** *** victim *** ** coming ****** & ***** ***** The *** ** normally ** * ****** ** vengeance ******* * ***** a victim did ** incite ** *** ******** *** example hate crime ****** *********** ** ****** *** **** ** ********** **** say **** ***** **** ******* no victim thus ***** ***** *** no victim (Sykes ***** Matza ***** *** ******** in this technique would ***** **** ******* *** harmed or ** *** was **** ** the ***** **** ** ***** ** ********* ** ******* it ** **** as * victimless crime such ** drug *** ** ************ ***** no *** is hurt ** these ****** *** ****** ****** its right to commit itAppeal ** ****** ********* *** the ***** **** usually ******* ** *** time ********* *** ** ** stake **** ** common **** ********** *** ** **** as delinquencies *** concerned ** ** used ** give ******* ***** crimes ********* ***** complicated ** * ring Juveniles *** *** **** ** *** **** ****************** ** ********** *** *** ********* is * *********** *** but **** clever ** ******* *** ******** ** **** *** ************* **** ********** ** the person who is condemning them ****** & ***** 1957) **** *** ****** ** ***** ** the ******* ** others ** as ** ***** ** the ****** and attention (Moyer 2001) Moyer I (2001)Criminological ********* *********** *** *************** ****** *** themes ********* G & ***** * (1957) ********** of Neutralization A ****** ** ********************** ************ ******** ************ * * ***** ******* * * (2004) ************** theory6 ********* to *** *** there *** *** **** **** ***** ******* ****** gangs ** *** ****** States Usingscholarly ******** identify ******** ****** *** ********* reasons *** *** ****** ** ***** ************** ************** *** figure of ***** present *** ********* ****** *** ** ****** **** *** expanding **** *** never **** **** there ** *** ***** ** *** nation ******* are the ****** *** selecting *** ************ sorting *** a significant ****** ** the vicious **** ***** display in *** present society ** 2008 *** **** ************ in *** ****** *** ************ ** be 17000 **** ** excess ** *** ***** ******* ******** *** **** ***** **** ***** ***** *** ******* Philadelphia *** **** ******** parts for ******* Houston ********* *** ***** all ******** high number ** **** action on **** **** *** ****** *** *** two ****** *** blacks ********* ******* *** ******** ****** ** participation ** ** ***** ********** has **** ******* ** ** expansion ** ******** ********* constrained ******** ******** among *** adolescents (Alleyne and Wood ***** ***** *** ****** part ** ***** ********** ***** *** ******* ********** *** comprised ** ***** ****** and *********** culprits ** per FBI ****** ** 2008 *** ******* **** of *** ***** **** ** ***** ***** *** a ************ lot ** *** **** groups *** **** real ***** *********** *** ******** *** York ******* ***** *** Log ****** *** gangs at **** ***** **** to different ***** ** the ******* **** ******* ******* ******* Orlando *** **** ******* Today *** ******** ** gangs is expanding ***** the *********** has ********* spreading ** *** ******* *** ****** regions With **** ******** *********** ********** ** is plausible **** *** ******** ** groups ***** on will **** on ******* higher ***** *** expanding ******** and *** ******** *** **** **** **** ***** criminal ********** *** ** ******** ***** ****** ****** for ********** ** **** ********** ******* ***** action *** ***** ******** ******** Developing ********** *** demonstrated ** ********* ** ********** ********** ** ***** ** *** web that *** **** related with ********* more ******* groups ***** **** on ******* ******* ** the *********** **** **** ** *** ********* ********* ****** **** **** ***** ****** ********** **** ***** ******** *** ** ********** of *** break ** *** pattern ******* *********** demonstrates this ** ****** ** *** ******* ****** *** ******* Egley ****** ***** Major 2006)Wood * ***** ******* * ****** ****** **** ****** *** ********* ***** *** we now *** where ** ** ** **** here?Aggression *** violent ************* 100-111Egley ** * Howell * * ***** Major * * ****** National ***** **** survey: *************** ** ******** ******* *** *********** ********** ********** DC7 What are *** ****** implications of ****** ********* Theory? *** *********** ************ *** ** the conclusion **** of the Chapter ******** and ******** *** ****** ********** theories ** ***** together **** *** ****** ************ taken **** ***** ******** *** ****** ******** ******** *** ** ************* ****** theory ***** ** *** ones ***** *********** *** ********* ** *** ****** ******* deco ****** **** considerable policy ************ *********** **** are *********** ** *** *********** models ******** ** **** **** *** ****** unexpected the areas that are most ******** needing getting ** ** composed ** ****** ********** *** *** same internal city ghetto zones **** *** ** * **** ****** the hardest ** ******* such ************ *** ************ ***** ** ******** ******** groups) ****** ******* ***** ** *** **** that there *** **** ********* ***** ** achievement ** ************ watch ******** most ** *** ************ ************ ************ that **** ******** ** "consistently ************* of its ******** ** decrease ********** ** **** ************* ******** ************** ** ***** **** ***** ******** ****** find that ** a ******** ******* of ******** these ********** ****** ********* *** ***** ** ***** ***** *** ** the ******** *********** **** ******* ** *** crime ****** ** **** regions ***** *** **** ******** ****** **** **** ***** because ** the ******* ************* *************** ************* ******* **** ******* ***** *** and ********** ******** **** been ***** ** *************** ** ********** ********** ***** ***** *** ************ With ******* to/subcultural ******** ***** **** **** **** *********** ************ *** ****** ******** that **** **** *********** ** such models ** ******** There are currently numerous ******** **** endeavor to assemble *** ****** mentalities ****** other wellbeing *** *********** angles) ***** high-chance ***** ********** ******** **** *** ******** ** ongoing project called ***** ******** ***** ******* ****** youngsters in ***** *********** *** ******** ** ** successful ** creating ***** ** in ********** advancement ** ************ ****** qualities and ************* ** ********* *** * ********* ************ **** ***** ****** **** kept ** for a *********** lot of time (Merton ***** Merton *********** * * & ****** * * (1968)Social ****** *** ****** structure ***** and SchusterAkers * ************ ******** *** social ********** * ******* ****** of crime *** ******** ************ ** *** believe **** poverty *** ****** ********* are ****** by ***** ** do ***** ***** ******* *** ****** ********** Defend **** ****** **** *********** *************** ***** ** work ***** ** ****** ***** ********* and ** makes **** **** ***** ******** ** **** ******** **** fear ***** ******** ****** whether **** will ** ***** ** not ******* ** ******* ******** ****** To *** ********* to ******* ********** ****** ** **** ** **** **** ***** generation ** ****** * crime ** **** **** ***** get **** ** **** **** ***** criminals ******** *** ****** ** ***** *********** **** ** – 25 ***** The ****** crisis ***** *********** ** ******** **** ** ** ** ******* **** ***** ***** criminals ******* leads ** ******** ****** as ** an ********** *** rich and believed ** him/herself they ***** *** **** *** thought ***** ******* way ** *** ***** ***** **** which can ** ****** ** ******* ******* makes *** ******* *** ******* ** *** ********** ***** ** ******** ******** you **** ** ******** necessary in life ******* UK ******** ************ ******* * ******** ********** in a ********** thoughts ***** he ** unable to see any ********* ******** ** *** problem ******* ** wants to decide ** the ******** *** to *** money **** ******* other ****** ** has a great psychological ************ on juveniles *** *** ********* ********* *** **** *** **** ****** ** commit * ***** ***** ***** ** ******* that *** *** **** *** ** the ********* ** **** **** ** the ******** ** ********* ******* **** *** *** ***** at *** ****** ********* and look for a *** *** ** ***** his/her problems *** *********** ******** ********* in *** ****** *** consequently the inadequate job opportunities ************ ** ***** people ******* *** ******** ** **** ** actions of * criminal offense ** ********* **** *** government ** **** ** ** proper assistance ** **** people **** leading ** *** ********* *** ********** ***** the **** *** ** *** *** ** ** ** ******* committing * crime ******* ** ******** **************** poverty ** a social sensation ** ** ******* sense ** ** ************ value *** ***** as **** as *** ****** ** ********** ** *** ****** ** the ********** ******** *** ******** ****** of ******* *** the ***** ** progress ** creative forces *** *** analogous ********* ** * ****** together **** *** ********* ********* ** social justice ******* ******* ** considered ** * ********* ******** ** folks when *** ****** of ** ********** or family ***** ** ****** *********** ** ****** ********* *********** *** **** ********** **** ***** ***** *** ******** ****** To clearly ** ******** ** *** ******* ** ******* ** ***** ***** ** another *** by ******** *** living ********** ** *** poor and ********* ****** they commit crimes ******* & ********* 1976)Flango * E ***** ********* * L ****** Poverty ************ and crimeCriminology14(3) 331-346Essays ** (November 2013) *** **** ******* ***** ***** *********** ***** ********* **** **************************************************************************************************************