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APA Format, please list references and use intext citation.Article (select the link): Zimmerman et al., 20041. Topic SummaryRead the article: "Guns, gangs, and gossip"(Zimmerman et al., 2004). Using c
APA Format, please list references and use intext citation.
Article (select the link): Zimmerman et al., 2004
1. Topic Summary
Read the article: "Guns, gangs, and gossip"(Zimmerman et al., 2004). Using concepts from chapters 1-7 as the basis for your analysis, in a narrative format of 750 or more words, identify:
(a) the research problem,
(b) research design
, (c) data-gathering strategy,
(d) any hypotheses,
(e) dependent and independent variable(s),
(f) how key dependent and independent variables were operationalized,
(g) how qualitative data from participant observation, interviews, case studies, focus groups and other qualitative methods were coded and quantified for analysis, and
(h) summarize the key findings and/or policy issues.
2. Topic Analysis
What are some distinctive advantages of a qualitative strategy for data gathering, such as participant observation, over more quantitative approaches? Be detailed in your response and give an example from your occupation where participant observation would be the best way to collect data on a given phenomenon, issue, or research question.
3. What are some distinct disadvantages and dangers of participant observation as a research methodology? What steps can be taken to mitigate these disadvantages? Give specific examples.
4. Executive Decision
Search the Web for information on focus groups (previous, upcoming, or ongoing) involving victims, offenders, fear of crime, crime prevention, police subculture, or another criminological topic. List the Web sites you found most useful and write a paragraph about the purpose of each focus group and the sample involved. How might these focus groups be used to influence public policy? As the Chief/Sheriff/Warden of your agency, cite an example of when you would use a focus group to address an agency issue or crime issue. Explain your rationale and what you hope to accomplish. Minimum word count is 300 words.
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** Analysis ** ******* ****** ** Youth ******** * Topic ******* Youth violence ** * ***** ******* ** ****** ****** ******* of *** *********** **** ********** ******** from ********* ********** ************ ****** students’ ****** ***** what ***** ** ***** ******** were studied ***** ************ *** *********** methods ** *** ********** that *** ******** ***** ****** to be categorized into ******** **** ****** and community ******* In **** factor ***** ** ************* **** recognized Distinctions among *** the ******* from the ********* ** ****** *** independent ******* ** ****** *** gender *** *** association **** ********** ****** **** ******* **** recognized ***** **** family *** ********** ** *** ****** ** violence Reporting **** factors *** ***** *** *** less **** *** ******* ** *** ***** ********* et ** ***** Boldero ***** ****** ******** ****** of **** ***** shows **** **** youth’s perceptions ** ******** ** *** way it’s ***** ** ****** *** issues demarcated ** *********** **** ******* ***** * format ***** ******* youth ** express ***** ******** ********** ***** violence ** ***** *** ****** ********** **** report ********* ********** ** ************ ********* concerning matters ** ***** the ********** ** engrossed The **** *********** in **** research ** **** ****** ******** ** ********* ************ on violence in their *** ******** data analytic ******** **** both ************ *** qualitative techniques *** *********** ******** ******* **** *** development ** * ****** **** structured ** *** ********** **** ** **** ** ****** *** communal factors the context **** ** ****** with the ********** ** **** ****** ***** violence *********** et al 2000; ******** 1998) ** ********** the ************* of each ** ***** factors the ***** **** stated *** themes **** ******** with 4 of *** ***** ******* *** ***** ****** (handwritten) **** * master ******** The quantitative method *** **** ** ********* *** rates ** ****** ** **** **** ****** ** **** ** the subcategory ** *** ******** numerous ****** ******* **** *** **** subcategory ****** * **** essay which ** *** ********** **** ********** as *** statement of the subcategoryMany ** *** *********** ** **** study ********* *** **** ** gossip ** well ** ****** the ******** ******** ******* *** researchers *** ***** ** this and examined ** *** ******* ******* with **** experiences which ******* youth **** ** *********** to ******* **** **** ******* with ********** questions *** *** ***** ** ******* *** ***** that ****** ***** ** *********** ** ******* ***** *** ***** on ******* **** ****** **** ** also ******* *** bringing ********** ******** **** *** relevant ** youths This *** ***** attention ** ******* ** ****** ***** **** to their global view *** may ******** ****** ** **** a **** *** take *** ******** ************** ** *** use ** one-way ***** ******* the variation ** *** occurrence of ****** ***** *** ******* ********* ********** ****** **** *** ******** with ******** ********** ** ********* *** *********** ************* of ****** *** gender ******** **** relations ******* ***** *** ********* In **** ******** independent variables *** ****** *** factor ***** *** ********* variable is the ********** ** quotes ** **** ******** ** multiple ********** there ** *** *** ** *********** ** **** the ****** ** *** ********* (SAS ********* ******** ******** ** one-way ***** ************ *** ********* ** *** *********** ** ****** ** all *** **** ******* *** ******** ** *** ********** **** **** *** ********* ****** **** different in factor and ********** There *** also ** ********* of the factor with *** An outlined contrast testing ********** ** ****** ** the ******** ******** **** of *** *********** **** **** concerns ****** ** *** In **** females ******** **** ******* ** * ***** ****** ** quotes ***** ** all ****** on *** ***** hand **** ******* ** *** ** **** ****** declared peer ******* No more ************ ****** signifying **** males *** ******* ******** ********** ****** *** ******** ****** leads to ***** ******** **** *** same ********* *** ***** ** ******* *** *********** ** *** **** **** *********** ** *** research team ***** some ****** ** ** ****** **** ****** ******** * ********* ******* by Zimmerman *** *********** ****** *** ************ ***** ***** **** ** *** ****** **** ****** ** allocating *** **** **** unique ********* **** ********** * ******** **** **** data quote *** coded and ******* **** one ** ******** subcategories ** ********** Some *** ************* ******** **** *** ****** ** trial ****** and were supplementary ** the **** they ******* ******* ** **** ** ****** *** individual ****** romantic ************* – **** ******* family ****** **** *** *********** *** family ******* *** ******* *** ******** ******* ********** ** ** ********** the plan *** *********** **** *********** ***** **** extra ****** ****** *** *** group *** most ** *** times ** ******* inconsistencies *** **** reliability ** *** ************* ** the ************* ***** ******** ** accord in coding *** *** ****** **** ****** among *** participants *** coding and were added ** ********** ******** ********* *** ****** **** ****** **** the master planQualitative ******** reveals ****** ******** ******* on ****** of certain ****** ** violence *** ******** ***** are **** *** ** recognize violence **** ************ ** strength and **** **** finding ** ********** with ******** ********** **** females **** ****** ** be fatalities ** violence ****** ***** (NCES ***** *** ****** *********** found ** ********** **** Block’s (1983) ********** ***** *** ******* out **** towards ************ ***** females are ********** **** ********** ****** ******** Topic ************ ** *** distinct ****** of * qualitative **** ********* ******** **** ***** ********** are that ** will be ****** ** ***** research **** the correct **** *** ***** information *** more ********** *** most **** The motive of having **** gathering ********** ** so **** *** examiner *** ********** ******* the **** that *** **** ********* ****** up with an *********** observation skill *** ****** ******** ******** ********* that **** *********** if one ** ******* *** ***** ** their rejoinders The **** observation strategies ******* *** quality of **** ********** ******** **** interpretation *** ********** *** ******** ** *** ******** ********** ** questions ********* ***** *** ******* ***** ** ** *********** **** more **** has **** collected ***** ********* activities than ***** ****** or ******** ***** ** ********* deeds *** **** ********** ** researchers **** ****** ** sleeping ****** **************** ************* ** *********** *********** as **** ** the dangers ** that *** ******* ** expensive *** ***** * lot ** **** *** ********* ********** ** the ******** ** ****** ** ******* **** *** ******** needs high ********* *********** ********* and **** **** ** ** ******* specialists ** ******** *** approach *** ****** *** ******** ** *** ************ ***** **** *** ** ******** and ********** *** less control **** the ********* *** resolution may ** *** only ** **** ****** ******* and ******* staff *** **** ** *** assessors **** unique ****** *** certain types ** *********** *** ******* **** ****** ********* *** ********** ********* ******* ** ************** (Hagan ***** Hagan ****** ********* DecisionMost focus ****** *** * ***** *** *************** ******* ***** ** ****** *** **** ** ** a regular ***** ** * specified ******** and **** ** deal **** * specific ****** **** ** comes to ********* ****** ******* ** *** ****** ** community ****** ********** *** ***** **** ***** ****** ** **** with the ****** There are sites *** ***** that **** *********** ****** ******** *** ****** *** ****** ***** ***** ****** **** are specific ** ***** agendas *** of the **** ******* ***** **** have **** ************* ** wwwcityofshorelinecom ******* site **** ***** ***** ****** *** ******** ***** groups ** ****** members ** *** ****** ******** ****** and ******** ** the **** ********** **** ** ********** * ********** ***** ***** ******* ** ********* it’s ******** ******* ** ************ ******* *** **** focus ***** ************ ******** ** **** **** crime ********** *** held ** ********** ***** members of *** ********* congregated ** City Hall ******* ******** ** ********** **** ****** **** ** to ****** 9 ** ************ ** ***** Police Officers ******* that **** *** ******* Survey ********* * ******** ***** in *** ************* ********** ** ****** *** primary ***** ** the ***** *** ** *** ****** ***** **** *** ********* ******* who were ******** involved in activities ****** their ************ or those who *********** ******* ***** about *** ********* ********* ***** 1995)Focus ****** *** **** ******** **** it comes to ******* ****** ******* *** ****** * ***** ** people who **** together to integrate their thoughts *** ***** ** taken **** seriously since * ********* is more confident about *** choices **** **** ** ********* supposed to ** fair ** everyone ******** ******* 2010)In ** event where *** ****** ** members ** ** ****** is *********** it ***** ** prudent ** call ** a ***** group ** **** as ******** ** ****** the ****** The ***** would ******** ideas **** ***** ** implemented ** **** *** general population ** *** agency Since it ***** be *** their *** good they would **** ** **** ** point *** the **** ***** ** *** ***** issue **** ** ** ******** *** ** ***** *** The bringing ******** ** ***** ***** ***** a bond **** solving the ******* ******** *** ***** ***** **** closer ** each ***** *** build * ****** ***** **** would **** trust the ************** ** ******** their security ******** thereby assisting **** ** focusing ** **** ** ********* *** ********* **** **** in *** ******* ** ********** the ***** ***** deem **** valuable **** ******* with ****** ***** *********** within the ****** ****** ************************* *********** ** Chief Police Officers **** ******** ** *** ******** ************ ***** ******* ******** ******** ****** for Policing ExcellenceBraga * * ****** **************** ******** and crime ********** ** *** Monsey *** ******** Justice PressBloch * * & Weidman * R (1975) Managing Criminal InvestigationsHagan * * ***** ***** * * (1997) ******** ******* ** criminal ******* *** *********** *** ******* Boston: ***** *** ************** * * ************** * **** * Tarver D Rabiah * ***** ***** S (2004) Guns ***** and ****** ** analysis ** ******* ****** on ***** ******** *** ******* ** ***** *********** ***** ********** ********* ****** *** ********** *** ******** guide version * **** NC: ************* * & ****** B ****** ********** help-seeking: **** ** **** *** **** for *** from ***** Journal of *********** ***** 193-209Dahlberg * L ****** ***** violence ** the ****** ******* ***** ****** **** ******* and ********** approaches ******** journal ** ********** ******** ***** *************** Center for ********* ********** (NCES) ****** Youth ********** 1996: ****** ** the well-being ** ******** ***** ********** *** ************** * * ***** **** Participant *********** ** * data collection ****** ** ***** *********** ********************** *********** Social ******** **** * ** ****** * (1995) Community ***** ********** Crime *** ******* ** 21-89Solnit * (2010) * ******** ***** ** ***** *** extraordinary communities **** arise in ******** *******