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Course Project: Learning Plan Part 4: Syllabus and Resource Needs

Please review the Course Project Overview (found under Week 1) before beginning this assignment. This week, you will complete and submit your course project.

For your Assignment this week, prepare the following:

  • A syllabus or other complete outline for your Learning Plan, including outcomes, assessments, and learning activities
  • A rationale for your approach to organizing, sequencing, and prioritizing topics or key ideas
  • A description of resources needed to implement your Learning Plan, and how the learning experience will fit within any organizational constraints (e.g. for a college credit course, how the workload required for students fits with the number of credit hours to be awarded; for a workshop, how the time required both in and outside of the workshop will fit into participants’ schedules or workload).

In addition to the Learning Resources for this week, you may want to consult relevant journals on college teaching in your discipline; refer to the list provided for the Application Assignment in Week 3.

Combine this assignment with what you completed in Weeks 4–6 and submit to the course dropbox.

Additionally, post your completed project to the Doc Sharing area so that your colleagues can review it in preparation for next week’s final Application Assignment.

Your Course Project is your Major Assessment for this course, and is designed to demonstrate your achievement of the following program learning outcome:

  • "Demonstrate an ability to deploy resources to achieve intended results."
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