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argument to support or refute claim by Aristotle

For this assignment, develop your own argument to support or refute the claim made by Aristotle that virtue, as he defines it, is essential to living the good life.  In other words, Aristotle claims that one must have a balanced stable character in order to be happy--regardless of one's wealth, social status, etc.  You should carefully craft an argument that establishes either the truth or falsity of this claim.

This assignment is due on 4/20/2017 @ 1600 must be 4 pages double spaced pages single spaced.should include a clear introduction, central argument and conclusion.  The majority of your effort should be spent refining your argument so that it is convincing.  This means providing compelling support for every claim you make. There should be 3 references on a seperate page, total 5 pages. 

 If there any questions please ask before the due date. 

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