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http://www.nationalgeographic.com/people-and-culture/food/the-plate/2016/12/could-climate-change-build-a-business-boom-in-kenya-/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Put yourself in Sam Rigu's place and think about things from a Kenyan perspective.  We talk a lot about Agro-Business and large corporate farms in the modern world.  But could small-scale farming be part of the solution to some of the future's large-scale problems?  Write a two to three (2-3) page essay explaining your ideas about what we should do and how we should go about it.  Support your ideas with examples or with your own proposals.  

In this class, an essay page is written in 12-point type (for example 12-point Times New Roman) with one-inch margins on the right and left sides as well as the top and bottom

Your essay assignments often have no right or wrong answer.  They require you to develop your own ideas and to present your ideas clearly.  To write well for this class, you may find these guidelines helpful:

   Trust yourself.  Make statements.

   Use direct, declarative sentences to express your ideas.

   Support your ideas with evidence from the assigned reading.

   Reach a conclusion.  Have a point to make.

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