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Ashworth college BZ440 Online exam 2 May 2016


Part 1 of 1 - 80.0/ 100.0 Points

Question 1 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

From a __________ perspective, resources are wasted unless they contribute to success in the marketplace, and the more direct the contribution, the better.

A. global economic

B. customer service

C. strategic manager’s

D. world-class manufacturing

Feedback: Page 36

Question 2 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

The concepts of trust, integrity, and __________ are part of the value system of total quality.

A. morality

B. responsibility

C. vision

D. legality

Feedback: Page 57

Question 3 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

One of the best ways managers can help build trust is to:

A. ensure that organizational guidelines are followed.

B. protect the interests of those who are not present at the time as if they were.

C. promote responsibility and total quality expectations.

D. demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior.

Feedback: Page 56

Question 4 of 20

0.0/ 5.0 Points

When handling an ethical dilemma, managers should select the option that will most likely:

A. pass the various ethics tests.

B. build strength in the organization.

C. set the best example for employees.

D. None of the above

Question 5 of 20

0.0/ 5.0 Points

Managers can play a role in promoting ethical behavior on the job by:

A. maintaining sound financial standards.

B. implementing total quality.

C. ensuring customer satisfaction.

D. developing written ethics guidelines.

Feedback: Page 58

Question 6 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Before beginning the planning process, an organization should:

A. establish a corporate vision.

B. conduct a SWOT analysis.

C. identify the organization’s mission.

D. establish a strategy planning team.

Feedback: Page 37

Question 7 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

__________ refers to the values that are subscribed to and fostered by society in general and by individuals within society.

A. Ethics

B. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

C. Morality

D. Social responsibility

Feedback: Page 53

Question 8 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

A __________ is something an organization does so well it can be viewed as a competitive advantage.

A. quality standard

B. vision

C. differentiation strategy

D. core competency

Feedback: Page 37

Question 9 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Which one of the following is NOT a category of competitive strategy?

A. cost leadership

B. product positioning

C. market-niche

D. differentiation

Question 10 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Which of the following statements is true concerning strategies used to execute a strategic plan?

A. Organizations should communicate at all times.

B. Consult with only managers.

C. Adjust to administrative barriers.

D. Be flexible but do not improvise.

Feedback: Pages 47-48

Question 11 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

The __________ approach to ethics is a pragmatic approach based on the belief that people are basically good.

A. best-ratio

B. black-and-white

C. full-potential

D. morally responsible

Feedback: Page 58

Question 12 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

To promote successful execution of strategies, organizations should undertake which of the following strategies?

A. Eliminate administrative barriers

B. Conduct a secondary SWOT analysis

C. Hold a stakeholder’s gap analysis

D. Contract with an execution specialist

Question 13 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

When providing ethics training, it is important to:

A. facilitate, don’t preach.

B. stimulate discussion.

C. highlight practical applications.

D. All of the above are important.

Question 14 of 20

0.0/ 5.0 Points

Which of the following statements does NOT apply when developing a mission statement?

A. Include the how-to statements.

B. Describe the “who, what, and where” of the organization.

C. Be brief, but comprehensive.

D. Choose wording that is simple.

Question 15 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

An organization’s responsibilities for ensuring ethical behavior include:

A. paying whistleblowers to speak up.

B. creating and ethical environment.

C. establishing in-house courts and juries.

D. refusing to talk to the media.

Question 16 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Change that is __________ on employees will be resisted, but change that is __________ by employees who are involved in and prepared for it will be accepted and promoted.

A. Engendered; inflicted

B. Embraced; engendered

C. Engendered; embraced

D. Inflicted; engendered

Question 17 of 20

0.0/ 5.0 Points

Managers have three main responsibilities in regard to ethics. Which of the following is NOT one of those?

A. They are responsible for creating an internal environment that promotes, expects, and rewards ethical behavior.

B. They are responsible for helping employees make ethical choices.

C. They are responsible for setting an example of ethical behavior.

D. They are responsible for helping employees follow through and exhibit ethical behavior after the appropriate choices have been made.

Question 18 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

__________ is a balanced approach for organizations to address economic, social, and environmental issues in a way that aims to benefit people, communities, and society.

A. Best-ratio ethics

B. Corporate social responsibility

C. Full-potential ethics

D. The balanced scorecard

Feedback: Page 65

Question 19 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Which of the following is NOT a value that leads to peak performance and excellence?

A. Creativity

B. Quality

C. Dependability

D. Opportunity

Question 20 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Strategic management is:

A. creative thinkers who look at their business environment from a different perspective.

B. expansive and wasteful.

C. constantly seeking gaps in the marketplace that their companies can fill.

D. management that bases decisions within an ethical framework.

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1 ** * * **** 1000 ******* ********


of *** 50/ 50


From * **********


resources are ****** ****** **** ********** to success ** *** *********** *** *** more ****** *** ************ the ******* * ****** ********* *


******** C *********


* *********** **************


**** *** Question


** 20 ***


Points *** concepts


***** ********* *** **********


**** of ***


system ** ***** ******** * ********* * responsibility C vision * ********* Feedback: **** 57 ********


of ***


** *******


of ***


**** ********


**** ***** *****


to: * ****** ****


********** are followed


******* *** interests of ***** *** *** *** present ** *** ****


** they were * ******* ************** ***


******* ************* * *********** integrity *** ethical ********* ********* Page 56 ******** * of *** *** **


**** handling an ******* ******* ******** should


*** ****** **** **** **** ********


**** *** *******


****** * ***** strength


the ************* C


*** best ******* *** ********** D None ** the above ******** * ** ***


** ******* Managers *** play *


** ********* ******* ******** ** the


by: * *********** sound financial ********** B


***** ******** * ******** ********


D ********** ******* ******


Feedback: **** ***


6 of *** 50/ ** Points Before ********* *** ******** ******* ** ************


* ********* * ********* vision


conduct a **** analysis


identify the ******************** ********


establish * strategy planning *****


Page *** ********


** *** 50/ **


********** ****** to


****** that *** subscribed ** and ******** **


** ******* *** by individuals


******** A ******* B **************


** ****** C ********* D


responsibility ********* **** *** Question *


20 50/ **


* ********** ** *********


************ does **


** *** ** viewed ** a *********** ********** A ******* ********* B ******* * *************** ********* * **** competency Feedback:


*** ********


** *** *** 50 Points


*** **


********* ** NOT


category ** ***********


A cost *********** B


************ * *************


**************** ******** 10 ** *** *** 50 ******* Which ** *** ********* ********** is **** concerning **********


** ******* *


****** A


****** communicate **


times B *******


**** ********* *


** ************** ********* D


******** *** do


********** Feedback: ***** 47-48 ******** ** ** *** 50/ ** ******* ***


approach ** ethics


* ********* ********


on ***


**** ******


********* ***** * ***********


**************** * ***************


******* ************ Feedback: Page *** ******** ** of *** *** ** Points ** ******* **********


of ********** ************* should ********* ***** of


********* ************ A ********* **************


* ******* * secondary ****


C **** * ******************* *** ********* *


with ** execution


Question ** of ***


** Points ****


ethics ******** ** is important **** * ********** *********** ******* * ********* discussion * ********* ********* ************* *


** ***


*** **********


** **


00/ ** *******


of *** *********


**** *** ***** ****


* mission ***********


Include *** how-to *********** * ******** *** ********** what *** ************ ** *** *************


** brief *** **************


****** ******* **** ** simple Question


** *** *** ** ******* **


**************** *** ensuring ******* ******** include:


paying ************** to *****


B creating ***


************ C ************ in-house ****** *** juries *


to **** ** ***


Question ** **


*** ** ******* ******


** __________ on ********* **** ** ********


****** **** ** **********


employees *** ***


** *** ******** *** it **** ** ******** and ********* * *********** inflicted


********* *********** C *********** *********


Inflicted; engendered ******** ** ** *** 00/ ** Points ********


three main **************** ** ******


****** ***** of the ********* **


*** ** ******* *


are responsible for


** ******** environment that promotes expects *** *******


behavior * They *** responsible ***


employees make ******* choices C


*** *********** *** ******* ** example


******* behavior * **** *** *********** for


********* ****** ******* ***


ethical ******** *****


appropriate ******* **** **** made ******** 18 of *** *** 50 ******* ********** is * ******** ******** for ************* to address economic ****** *** ************* ****** ** * way


**** ** *******


*********** *** society


********** ******* *


****** responsibility *


******* * *** balanced


********* **** ***


19 ** 20 *** ** Points ***** ** *** ********* ** NOT a ***** **** ***** ** ****


and ************ * Creativity B ******** * ************** D ************ ******** ** ** *** *** **


********* ********** **** * ******** ******** who **** ** *****


environment **** * different ************ * ********* *** wasteful * **********


**** ** *** *********** **** ***** companies can fill * management that ***** ********* within an ******* *********

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