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Assignment 2

Purpose of Assignment 

In Week 2, students will employ the supply and demand model to develop consumer surplus and producer surplus as a measure of welfare and market efficiency. Students learn about welfare economics--the study of how the allocation of resources affects economic well-being--and will discover that under most circumstances, the equilibrium price and quantity is also the one that maximizes welfare. Students will review different sources of externalities and a variety of potential cures and will see that while markets are usually a good way to organize economic activity, governments can sometimes improve market outcomes. Students will see how the U.S. government raises and spends money and the difficulty of making a tax system both efficient and equitable. 

Assignment Steps 

Scenario: Imagine you have been assigned the responsibility of preparing a paper for the governor's next economic conference. 

Prepare a 1,050-word paper addressing the following:

  • Explain why equilibrium of supply and demand is desirable.
  • Explain the following concepts using the concept of consumer and producer surplus:
    • Efficiency of markets
    • Costs of taxation
    • Benefits of international trade
  • Discuss how externalities may prevent market equilibrium and the various governments policies used to remedy the inefficiencies in markets caused by externalities.
  • Analyze the difference between the efficiency of a tax system and the equity of a tax system as it refers to the costs imposed on taxpayers using the benefits principles. 

Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources, not including your textbook.

Format consistent with APA guidelines.

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*********** ** *** ****** ****** *** marketsNameInstitution   Economics ** the ****** ****** *** ********** *********** ** supply *** ****** ** ****************** ***** ***** ****** ************ **** demand ****** to **** products **** are ***** ******* ** the buyers ** *** ****** The ******** ******** ******** *** ******* **** *** ********* *** willing ** *** ** a ******* **** and ***** Supply ****** to some goods that the ****** is ******* ** ***** ** * ***** ***** ** the ******* *** ****** *** *** ****** need ** be ***** ** ** ** ******** *********** At *********** point the ********** ** ***** *** services ** **** ** ** ** *** **** effective ***** ***** some goods being supplied *** equal ** *** ****** ***** demandedThrough *********** ** ****** *** demand *** ****** is **** to have * better ******* ** ****** ***** makes the market ***** * ****** ************* of allocating ********** resources **** is ******* ***** the ********* *** ******* ***** production; **** ** *** produce ** ****** of *** little ********* ** Faggio & ******* ****** markets **** **** ******* to ****** *********** of supply *** demand ***** it ** a better ********* *** *********** *** development and ********** ** * ******* ***** **** ********* *** ****** ****** that it ******* ****** ** ***** ***** ******** ******** under ********* of ******* ******* Equilibrium of ****** *** Demand ******* ********* ** ******* *** ****** **** what ** ******** so **** it ** ****** to ******** ****** ***** ********* *** ************* Efficiency ** ********** **** ********** markets ******* **** at any ***** **** *** ****** of ******** ***** ******* *** ********* *********** ** ********** ****** ** *** markets ****** ********** is **** ** **** * **** ***** of viewpoints based ** *** ****** ********** ** *** market For example ****** ********** **** not ******* ******** ** ****** ** the **** ***** of *********** ** every ***** in **** *** ** ******** ** *** unbiasness of *** errors **** ***** in *** ***** ******* **** means **** ****** can be ******* **** the ******** **** value ** **** ** *** ********** *** picked at ****** depending on *** ******* ******** *** ******** ******* (Ehrenberg ***** ***** ************ ***** ** TaxationConsumer *** producer ******* *** both ******** by *** ******* ** tax costs **** the government offers ** provide ******** **** ***** *** *** ** ******* ***** ** ********* ** * ******* *** *** ones providing ***** ***** *** raisedExplain ******** ** international tradeInternational ***** ** ***** ** ******** *** ******* ** ***** ** * ****** ********* ********* ****** ********* ** **** * **** ***** ** choose **** Some of *** ************* companies have lower *********** ***** which enable suppliers ** ****** ***** ***** *** products **** **** **** ******** the ********* ** **** **** *** ****** the ******** ***** companies *** **** ***** cost ********** *** to ************** ** better ******************* *** externalities may ******* ****** equilibriumExternality ****** ** *** ******** ** ***** which affect * ***** *** was *** ***** ** incur such as **** ** benefit ************* affect ****** *********** when ****** ** *** ********** ******* the **** costs ** ******** When ***** *** ******** ************* ********* ** *** ***** ********** ***** making **** produce ** excess **** * ******** *********** ********* *** ****** *** ******** ** the goods ***** **** ** ********* ********** *** *********** *** example * factory *** be producing ******** *** *** ** ********* *** *********** around ********* ********** *** of this ********** **** ** ********* equilibrium **** ** *** ******* ** ************* ****** ****** ** public goods leads ** ***** ********* ** goods *** **** ** the **** ** ************************ ******** used to ****** the ************** ****** by ******************* & Overman (2014) ****** **** the governments **** ***** ********** ********** **** create ******** ************* ** try ** ****** *** effects This ** called ****** the ******** *** ****** high makes *** ********* get ***** ****** ** *** products ***** these **** taxes *** ********** ** the ******** The ********** *** *** ****** to ****** **** *** ** the ******** ********* in the *********** *** ******* ***** *** ** ********* ******* on *** companies which **** **** ****** ** *** air ***** *** **** be ***** ******* which can ****** ** chemical ********* ** ***** ****** *** **** on *** **** ***** can ** * charge for ********* ** ************ **** *** plastics ** *** ************* *** ********** providing *********** **** ***** of *** ******* ********* ************* ***** *** ********** ** a ***** price it makes *** ******* **** ********* Lack of *********** of ********* to ******** ***** *** ******** **** to ****** which ***** *** business ******** ** *** **** *** ** *** ***** of ******* the government *** opt ** ******* fewer pollutant ******* ** energy ** *** companies ***** use harmful ******* ** ****** which affect ************* ************ **** point *** ********** ********** ******** closure ** businesses ***** *** bringing negative externalities **** **** ** an ******* ******** ** solving **** ******* *** other ****** is ******* *** ********** ********** **** ***** which ***** *** ****** ** ********* **** ** being ******* into the *********** **** **** ** * ******* ******* of the ********** curbing *** ******** externalities which affect production *** consumptionAnalyze the ********** between *** efficiency ** * tax system and the equity of a *** system ** ** ****** to *** ***** ******* ** ********* ***** the ******** ******************* ****** **** that ** *** ********** we talk ** minimizing *** **** **** ** involved **** ********* with *** tax **** **** ********** ** ******** the administrative ****** *** any deformation ****** ** *** ***** **** does *** **** give ******** to *** ********* *** also have an ****** ** the ******* ***** is ****** **** ********* ** discover *** **** decision to make ** ****** *********** **** *** ********* Deduction on tax ** ***** on *** **** ** ******** **** *** ***** incurred ** * ******** **** cost is ******* **** *** gross ****** ** ** ** achieve ** ********* tax ** offering lower ***** **** benefits ********* finding ****** ************* ** ************* are ***** *********** ** *** other **** ****** ** * *** ****** ******** *** ******** of paying ***** ** ****** that ****** ****** *** ***** ********* ** the benefits **** **** ******* from services ** the ***************************************** * * ***** ***** * * ****** Modern ***** ********** ****** *** ****** ****** RoutledgeFaggio G ***** ******* H (2014) *** ****** of ****** ****** ********** on ************* ***** ******* ******* ** ***** ********* ** *************** * * **** (2015) Labor ** the public *** nonprofit sectors ********* ********** *********

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