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Assignment 2: Connections Assignment Weight: 15% of your final course grade Suggested Due Date: At the end of Unit 4 Length: 1–2-page Concept Map (i.e., chart, graphic organizer, table, flowchart, Ve
Assignment 2: Connections Assignment
Weight: 15% of your final course grade
Suggested Due Date: At the end of Unit 4
Length: 1–2-page Concept Map (i.e., chart, graphic organizer, table, flowchart, Venn diagram, or T-chart)
Choose one key concept from each of the three groups below (in any order), and design a conceptual map in which you present the connection between the three concepts.
Your concept map should have the following elements:
- Definitions of the three concepts in your own words
- A description of the connection between the concepts
- An example that illustrates this connection
Your chosen concepts do not need to be from the same row. You can choose any concept, as long as you have one from Group 1, one from Group 2, and one from Group 3.
Please provide comprehensive information and sufficient explanation of the concepts, the connection, and the example. If your map doesn’t fit more than few words, you need to add an additional page with an explanation of the map.
IMPORTANT NOTE The point of this exercise is for you to demonstrate that you understand the key terms. IF YOU CUT AND PASTE from the Glossary, the Study Guide, or another other source, you will be given 0 for this assignment. The best answers will be written completely in plain language, in your own words, and they will provide examples to illustrate the concept. If you are struggling with creating a concept map, you can rely exclusively on words to explain the connections between concepts. As noted, the point of the exercise is to demonstrate that you understand the three terms and their relationship to each other.
Group 1
civil society
good governance
financial deregulation
shrinking of distance
government failure
welfare state
Group 2
Indigenous Peoples
new public management / managerialism
forced cultural assimilation
strong economic globalization thesis
soft economic globalization thesis
Group 3
Indian Act
new public management / managerialism
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
Gradual Civilization Act
Truth and Reconciliation Commission
White Paper
Bretton Woods
third way
Please refer to The Learning Center for information about how to do a Concept Map .