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Assignment 2: Motivation and Need for Becoming an Instructional Leader Review the article on 7 Qualities That Promote Teacher Leadership in Schools by Katrina Schwartz.
Assignment 2: Motivation and Need for Becoming an Instructional Leader
Review the article on 7 Qualities That Promote Teacher Leadership in Schools by Katrina Schwartz.
After reading the article and reviewing the seven qualities, complete the following in a document for this assignment:
- Examine each of the seven areas. Which area do you have the least amount of skills, qualities, or motivation.
- What are three to five steps you could take in order to increase your skills, qualities, or motivation and professional capacity to lead?
- Describe how your plan for growth supports increased skill in the creation of a climate and culture within a school setting.
Answer the questions in fully developed 4–5 paragraphs for each question.
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***************** ***************** **************************************** area ** you **** *** ***** Amount ** ****** ********* ** MotivationThe **** **** * **** *** ***** ****** ** ****** qualities ** motivation ** is ******** taking risks I ** generally * ****** *********** ****** and * ***** **** ** ***** ** ** ** effective leader *** **** ** ** ******* ** **** ***** * think **** ** ***** ** improve **** **** I **** ** work ** ***** **** *********** **** ****** ***** and ***** **** with *** **** **** *** ***** risk is ***** ** *** off * **** need to **** on being **** ********* ** ** ********* *** ******** **** I **** ** able ** handle whatever ***** **** taking a ******* **** that * have the **** ********** in is ******** ******* ****** * **** ****** **** a pretty ******* ****** *** * ****** ***** being able to **** people * think **** this is * ******* **** ** ********* for ******* ******* **** **** ** ** **** ** **** ***** team ******* **** **** *** struggling I **** ***** **** this quality is ********* ******* ** ***** **** *** **** ***** **** team ******* *** **** *** *** ******* ** do whatever it ***** ** **** them ******** ***** **** ***** *** **** areas ***** * would **** difficulty ***** * leader One ** these ***** ** probably ******* **** ******** * ** ********* a ****** ************ ****** and I don't **** ** see ****** ******** * ***** that in ***** ** be ** ********* ****** *** need ** ** **** ** **** **** ******** ** * constructive *** *** * ** *** sure **** * am ****** able ** do that * also think that another **** where * ***** **** difficulty ***** a ****** ** ****** ***** ********* * ********* ***** **** ** make ********* that **** upset ****** *** * ***** **** in ***** ** be ** ********* ****** you **** ** ** **** ** make ***** ********* **** ** **** *** *** popular What are ***** ** five ***** you could **** in ***** to increase **** skills ********* ** ********** *** ************ ******** to lead?1 * could take some **** to ***** **** ***** **** ** takes ** be ** ********* ****** ***** *** **** ** ********* ********* ** **** ***** *** I ***** that ** ***** be ******* for ** ** ***** **** ***** **** effective leaders *** * ***** **** *** to *** more experience ******* * ***** ********* ** lead projects ** **** or ** ** community *** * could also try ** **** ** **** ********** ***** ** ************* that I ** ******** *** I ***** **** **** on developing **** ** *** ********* **** *** ********* for leaders For example * ***** **** ** ***** **** ********* *** **** *********** **** ****** ****** * ***** **** **** *** ******* *** are effective ******* I could *** **** *** ****** *** guidance *** * could **** *** ** learn from their ******** ******* * ***** **** * ********** ** ****** ** ******** ******* ** becoming an effective ****** * ***** *** some ***** *** ****** *** ****** * plan *** how * **** achieve ***** ************* how your plan *** ****** ******** ********* ***** ** *** ******** of * climate and ******* within * ****** settingI think **** my **** for ****** supports increased ***** ** the ******** of a climate *** ******* within * ****** setting because ** focuses ** ********** **** ** the ********* **** are ********* *** leaders *** example ** ******* ** being more ********* *** **** comfortable with ****** risks * **** ** ****** equipped to ****** the ********** **** **** **** leading * ****** * will **** ** ****** able ** mentor *** support ** **** ******* *** * **** be ****** able to **** ***** ********* **** *** in the **** ******** ** *** schoolReferencesKatrina * ****** * Qualities **** Promote ******* ********** ** ******* * **** Retrieved ********* ** 2022 **** **********************************************************************************************************************