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Assignment 2: Motivation and Need for Becoming an Instructional Leader Review the article on 7 Qualities That Promote Teacher Leadership in Schools by Katrina Schwartz.

Assignment 2: Motivation and Need for Becoming an Instructional Leader

Review the article on 7 Qualities That Promote Teacher Leadership in Schools by Katrina Schwartz.

After reading the article and reviewing the seven qualities, complete the following in a document for this assignment:

  1. Examine each of the seven areas. Which area do you have the least amount of skills, qualities, or motivation.
  2. What are three to five steps you could take in order to increase your skills, qualities, or motivation and professional capacity to lead?
  3. Describe how your plan for growth supports increased skill in the creation of a climate and culture within a school setting.

Answer the questions in fully developed 4–5 paragraphs for each question.

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***************** ***************** **************************************** area ** you **** *** ***** Amount ** ****** ********* ** MotivationThe **** **** * **** *** ***** ****** ** ****** qualities ** motivation ** is ******** taking risks I ** generally * ****** *********** ****** and * ***** **** ** ***** ** ** ** effective leader *** **** ** ** ******* ** **** ***** * think **** ** ***** ** improve **** **** I **** ** work ** ***** **** *********** **** ****** ***** and ***** **** with *** **** **** *** ***** risk is ***** ** *** off * **** need to **** on being **** ********* ** ** ********* *** ******** **** I **** ** able ** handle whatever ***** **** taking a ******* **** that * have the **** ********** in is ******** ******* ****** * **** ****** **** a pretty ******* ****** *** * ****** ***** being able to **** people * think **** this is * ******* **** ** ********* for ******* ******* **** **** ** ** **** ** **** ***** team ******* **** **** *** struggling I **** ***** **** this quality is ********* ******* ** ***** **** *** **** ***** **** team ******* *** **** *** *** ******* ** do whatever it ***** ** **** them ******** ***** **** ***** *** **** areas ***** * would **** difficulty ***** * leader One ** these ***** ** probably ******* **** ******** * ** ********* a ****** ************ ****** and I don't **** ** see ****** ******** * ***** that in ***** ** be ** ********* ****** *** need ** ** **** ** **** **** ******** ** * constructive *** *** * ** *** sure **** * am ****** able ** do that * also think that another **** where * ***** **** difficulty ***** a ****** ** ****** ***** ********* * ********* ***** **** ** make ********* that **** upset ****** *** * ***** **** in ***** ** be ** ********* ****** you **** ** ** **** ** make ***** ********* **** ** **** *** *** popular What are ***** ** five ***** you could **** in ***** to increase **** skills ********* ** ********** *** ************ ******** to lead?1 * could take some **** to ***** **** ***** **** ** takes ** be ** ********* ****** ***** *** **** ** ********* ********* ** **** ***** *** I ***** that ** ***** be ******* for ** ** ***** **** ***** **** effective leaders *** * ***** **** *** to *** more experience ******* * ***** ********* ** lead projects ** **** or ** ** community *** * could also try ** **** ** **** ********** ***** ** ************* that I ** ******** *** I ***** **** **** on developing **** ** *** ********* **** *** ********* for leaders For example * ***** **** ** ***** **** ********* *** **** *********** **** ****** ****** * ***** **** **** *** ******* *** are effective ******* I could *** **** *** ****** *** guidance *** * could **** *** ** learn from their ******** ******* * ***** **** * ********** ** ****** ** ******** ******* ** becoming an effective ****** * ***** *** some ***** *** ****** *** ****** * plan *** how * **** achieve ***** ************* how your plan *** ****** ******** ********* ***** ** *** ******** of * climate and ******* within * ****** settingI think **** my **** for ****** supports increased ***** ** the ******** of a climate *** ******* within * ****** setting because ** focuses ** ********** **** ** the ********* **** are ********* *** leaders *** example ** ******* ** being more ********* *** **** comfortable with ****** risks * **** ** ****** equipped to ****** the ********** **** **** **** leading * ****** * will **** ** ****** able ** mentor *** support ** **** ******* *** * **** be ****** able to **** ***** ********* **** *** in the **** ******** ** *** schoolReferencesKatrina * ****** * Qualities **** Promote ******* ********** ** ******* * **** Retrieved ********* ** 2022 **** **********************************************************************************************************************

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