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Assignment 2: Physical Development in Early Adulthood need a powerpoint 6 slides

Assignment 2: Physical Development in Early Adulthood

During early adulthood, people begin make important life decisions in three areas: career, family, and health. Young adults establish patterns of nutrition and physical activity that can have either positive or negative effects on their physical development in later stages of adulthood. They also begin to make decisions about what career path to follow. At some point during early adulthood, individuals also choose either to marry or remain single, and decide whether or not to start a family. Consider the following example:

Jeff is 23 years old. He recently graduated from college with a business degree and took a managerial position with a midsize company. He likes his coworkers, but often finds himself bored with his work. Although he was active in college, recently he has gained about 10 pounds due to his sedentary job and lack of time to exercise. Jeff broke up with his college girlfriend after graduation, and since then he has dated a few different women, but hasn't had another serious relationship. Jeff wonders what the remainder of his 20's and his 30's will bring.

Based on your reading, prepare a PowerPoint presentation that would help individuals like Jeff set goals related to career, health, and family. The presentations should discuss the relationship between lifestyle choices and health risks. In addition, it should address how factors like personality and attachment may influence both career- and family-related goals. Finally, address diversity in the presentation. Explain how your plan could be adapted to fit the needs of different socioeconomic or ethnic groups.

Your PowerPoint presentation should include an introduction, a conclusion, and detailed speaker's notes. Include your references on one slide.

Develop a 6"“8-slide presentation in PowerPoint format with speaker's notes. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.ppt.

In order for this assignment to be compatible with TurnItIn, you will need to save your PowerPoint presentation as an Adobe PDF file. To do this, open your presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint. Choose "Save As" from the File menu, then choose "Adobe PDF". Before saving your file, click on the Options button and check the box next to "Convert Speaker Notes." Now choose to save your file. Your speaker notes will be included in your PDF file that you will submit for this assignment.

Note: If your version of Microsoft PowerPoint does not have the option to include speaker notes, you will need to submit a Microsoft Word document that contains all information from your presentation, including the speaker notes.

By Wednesday, March 9, 2016, deliver your assignment to the M2: Assignment 2 Dropbox.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum PointsDeveloped logical and structured plan detailing specific ways young adults could set goals in the areas of career, health, and family.30Discussed the relationship between lifestyle choices and health risks.10Addressed issues of diversity in the plan.20Speaker's notes provided adequate detail and support for information on the slides.20Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.20Total:100

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