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Assignment: Causes of floods in Manitoba. Please site all the sources in a reference list (using IEEE) and the length required is 2 pages. Format: - Paginate the document using Arabic numerals (1,2,

Assignment: Causes of floods in Manitoba. 

Please site all the sources in a reference list (using IEEE) and the length required is 2 pages. 


- Paginate the document using Arabic numerals (1,2,3) starting after the title page

- Maintain a 1" (2.54cm) margin on all sides, use a 12-point font, and 1.5 line spacing throughout. 

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****** ** ****** in Manitoba *************************** of ****** ** ******** ******** ******** ** **** known ** *** ******** Province *** ** *** ******* location ** ****** confederation ******** ** *** **** ******** **** been ***** up ** ******** defense ******** region ** **** ******** **** ******* ***** of ******** ****** ** **** ** ******** extension ** great ***** ** ******* ************* **** ** ***** ** the climate of ******** it's ******* ***** ** ********* by the ***** measure ** *** position ** Northern ******* ******** ** subject ** ******* ****** ********** ******* ************* wildfire ******** drought **** winter ***** ***** ** ********* ** floods ******* ** ***** ****** **** **************** losses *** ******* ****** the **** floods ***** **** **** ** ******** people ***** ** ******** **** ********* despite *** ****** exceeding CAD750 ******************* Individuals ** ******** cope **** floods since ***** **** ******* by *** First Nation ************ **** *********** ** ******** **** comprised ****** **** ****** investment ************** resulting ** ***** records of *** **** ** a result ** ****** ****** in earlier **** ******* As a ****** ** ************ the ************* ** ******** is susceptible to *** river **** *********** ********* ******** ************ frequent ** **** ** ******* ******** ****** causing ******* ******* impacts ** **** as **** as livelihood systems ****** ******** ************ *** hazard ** ****** ** *** ****** *** south *** ******** **** ****** which lead to ******* **** ***** ***** alongside *** ** **** ** *************** ****** ** *** ******** *** ******* The ************ ****** which were ******** **** ****** ********************** plus 2011 ******* ************ the nature of ******** exposure ** **** ** *** ************* ** *********** ****** ** *** ***** ****** **** ***** will **** ** *** causes of ****** ** the ******** ******** of *** ***** **** ** Red River ** linked to *** melting ** *** snow ****** 17% ** *** Manitoba ***** ****** rainfall comes from *** **** ******** **** the other ******* it *** remained ** the *** ****** *** *** ***** ******** *** Red ***** ***** factors **** ********* spring flood include:1 Extent **** humidity ****** ** the **** ********* ****** of ********* Coinciding moment *** snowmelt **** ***** ***** *** ******** ** *** soil **** *********** ************* The ***** permeability ** *** ********* **** soilIn ******** *** ******** *********** ** *** river flows from *** ***** **** north is *** ***** ***** that causes flooding *** ****** ** ******** ***** ***** is situated ** ***** **** out ******* ********** ***** ** ***** ***** ** in *** Manitoba ***** ******** ** the *** *** *********** passage ** *** ***** ******* ******** ** ******** **** ** *** red river’s ***** *********** to ******** of *** river’s basin is **** ** ********* *** ******** of **** ****** ***** **** drainage of water ******* ******** *** ******** ** *** ***** ******* waters ********* ** **** ****** **** if *** can ***** smaller **** *** **** ** ***** reservoirs ***** ** ******** retaining of floodwater ** ******** ***** ** ******* that could **** **** *** ********* ***** *** level ** ***** **** *** ****** ****** is *** flooding plains ****** ***** ******** ***** *** ******* **** ** ***** **** ** ******* *** ***** ****** ** ****** ********* **** have ********** ******* rainfall8 ******** ** ********** gases9 *************** ******* ******** Melting ** *** ****** Overflow ** ********* key cause ** *** ****** was ****** ********* **** ** ***** plus April ** *** considerable ****** ***** **** the ********* ice ** *** ****** ** these ********** they ** ***** flooding ** **** ** ******** of turnoff into ***** ******** *** most *********** area ** *** Red ***** ** ******** ** *** snowmelt waters **** ******* **** the ** ******* ** *** north *** * ***** flat plain ** well ** severe ******** ***** ***** ****** ***** in **** ** *** ***** *********** and ******** In conclusion ****** ** ********* ******* *********** system **** ** ** maintained ** *** government *** ****** intimation plus ********** ** *** flood-prone ***** **** will ****** ****** ** **** most ** *** ****** as * result ** floods ** ***** *** ***** ** ******** ** ******** **** might ****** ** time ** ***** ******** when ****** ** drainage is *** in ******** of handling *** amount ** rainfall **** can **** arise ** * ****** of ********* ***** which ***** ******** for **** **** They *** ****** **** *** **** melts *** *********** ******* ********* in **** ********* of *** water ** ****** ****** might overflow at ***** **** creating ****** ** neighboring ************************ ** ****** ******* *** landforms ** ******** In *** ********* ** Manitoba: **** **** *** *** ******* ******* * ******* * ****** * **** *** University ** ******** Press: ******** ** ******* ** ************* * ****** The **** ***** event ** *** Red ***** ****** ****** assessment and damages Can Water ****** * *** *** Des ******* ********* 41 ************* WF (1998) The **** *** ***** Flood ** Manitoba ****** Prairie Perspect Geogr ****** * ********************************************************************

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