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Assignment Content Instructions: The purpose of this assignment is for you to apply what you learned about sociology concepts, methods and perspectives during this week’s learning activities. Use this

Assignment Content

  1. Instructions: The purpose of this assignment is for you to apply what you learned about sociology concepts, methods and perspectives during this week’s learning activities. Use this week’s reading and discussions and your personal experiences to inform your answers.Considerthe theme of the Sociology Matters box at the end of Ch. 11 (p. 316):Sociology matters because it helps you to understand the social change you encounter.Writea 700-word essay that shows how sociology matters in helping to explain your chosen topic. Be sure to demonstrate your understanding of this week’s readings by correctly applying Key Terms related to your selected topic and supporting your answers with appropriate examples from the course readings or your personal experience.Organizeyour essay in paragraphs with introduction, body, and conclusion sections.Quoted and paraphrased material should be less than 30 percent of your paper.Providecomplete APA style citations and references for all research materials used in the essay.Formatyour document in APA style according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines available at the Center for Writing Excellence.Submityour assignment.
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