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Assignment: In the lecture for this module, we read this study from the American Academy of Pediatrics (2011): The site demonstrates s


In the lecture for this module, we read this study from the American Academy of Pediatrics (2011):

The site demonstrates some of the issues inherent in social media and its effect on children, adolescents, and families, and it gives guidance on the risks and benefits, cyber-bullying, online harassment, sexting, and privacy concerns.

After reading the recommendations or doing your own search on general recommendations about the use of social media (if the link above does not work, definitely do your own search), write a minimum 3 page paper that includes:

·         Benefits and risks of using social media

·         One specific topic you find applicable or interesting (e.g. cyber-bullying)

·         A brief analysis of your family social media usage / a hypothetical family's social media usage.

Be sure to include the source(s) you used and submit an APA formatted reference page with in-text citations. Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below.

Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.

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************** Media *** **************** of student:Institution ** ******************************************************** *** revolutionized ******* ******* the *** ** digital ********* ** * ***** ** leisure *** communication More ***** social ***** *** ******** *** ********* that are witnessed ** ******* *** use ** social ***** for ****** *************** ** * clear ********* ** **** it ****** ** the ***** *********** **** ** consume ** *** ******* ******* *** ********* The ****** *********** to ******** society *** ****** level best ********* *** ******* that ****** ***** ****** ***** increase *** **** **** attributed to ****** ***** ** individuals *** **** to copycat crimes ** **** ** ****** ******* The ****** ****** *** also been ******** ********** ** *** ******** ** ****** ***** **** is through the *** ** media ********* to research various issues **** ****** *** ****** ****** ******* *** ******** *********** **** *** witnessed ***** ***** ****** ******** ******* **** *** ******** ******* *** use of ****** ***** **** **** paper **** ***** ** the benefit *** ***** **** *** ******** through the use ** ****** ***** as **** as *** ************ ** ************** ******* ***** A ******* ***** **** be given ****** social ***** ***** to ********* how *** ****** ******** ****** media ** * ***** ** ********************* and Risks ** ***** ****** **************** ******** of ****** media *** **** at *** family and ******** ***** ******* *** social and ******** lines ********* and ******** *** to ******* **** often ****** ***** has **** **** ** have *** and ******** ************* ***** *** ********* at ****** *** ******** ***** *********** opine **** ****** media ** an ********* of *** **** ** face *********** *** connection between ******** *** teenagers to global ****** *********** ***** *** ***** **** ****** ***** ****** to ******* *** ********** ****** ** the *********** *** ***** * ****** interest (Tartari 2015) *** ****** ********** helps **** in ***** **** ***** and ************* ***** **** ***** ** **** **** ******** ******* ****** media *** *** **** ********* communication to * ****** whom *** shares * ****** problem Improvement ** self-esteem is ******** **** ***** ** constant ************* ** **** ** **** the ******* is ****** ** ****** **** one ***** a ****** **** they ***** a similar ******* ****** of online information *** **** aid ** ******* ************ ******** ** * problem *** education ****** *** **** benefited through *** ******** ** ****** media This ****** **** ******** share information **** is ******* in ***** ******** ******** 2015) ******* ** ****** ***** as * teaching **** ********* **** ****** ***** ** ** ********* ******** ** ************** *** ****** ***** ******** ** *** ***** **** are ******** ******* ****** ***** *** is ** ********* ******** can be overwhelmed by the ******** ****** shared ***** ***** them ***** * ************ ****** ** **** ****** ***** deprivation *** **** ** ******** due ** ******** ****** ***** Continued ******** ** ****** media ******* to ********** of **** *** school *********** **** ******** ** ********** essential **** **** ***** **** **** ** improve ************ ** the business ***** Cyberbullying *** ************* *** *** **** considerable ***** due ** ****** media *** ******* *** ******** ** ******* ** ******* risk ****** ** social ***** ******** patterns **** been ******** due to ****** ***** Research postulates **** there *** negative ************ **** *** realized **** *********** is posted ****** *** ** ******** ******* as **** (Tartari ***** **** **** risks *** prevalent that are ****** ** social ****************************** ******* ***** ******* *** *** ** *** internet *** ****** ***** platforms Cyberbullying ***** ** ******** to ***** The ******* occurs **** a bully ******* a ****** using ****** ***** ********* This may ***** through *** use ** ***** as **** ** social ***** posts ***** are ******** ** ******** ******* ** abuse ******* *** ****** rise ** cyber-bullying ********** ** ******* is a clear ********* of the ****** challenges **** *** ********* ************** occurs ** ****** **** * ******* device ** **** ** an ******** ********** ***** are ** ****** ** *** **** of ************** *** people ******** ** *** act *** *** ** *** ********* ** hide the **** ******** *** action ***** ** ******** ******** No ****** ** ******* ** ************** Reports ******** **** ** ******* ** ******* have ******** children ***** ******* ** ******** ******** ***** are *** experiences **** *** ***** **** ** those ****** *** *** ***** bullied *** esteem and ************* ******** ** * ***** *** affected in *** **** run ********** & ******** ***** Cases of depression as well as ******** ******** *** being witnessed ** *** ******** ************* ****** ***** *********** ** * ****** institution **** *********** ************* and *********** ** ****** ******* ******* *** ****** connection ************* and *********** between ******* *** children represent *** ****** **** that is ********* ** *** family level Children ****** be ******* an excellent ****** *** ************* as **** of *** ****** ************* ******* When ***** is ********* ************* ** enables ************* of *** ********* ******** *** ******** ************ studies indicate **** the *** ** ****** ***** ********* **** as ******** leads ** ********* spending ** **** which translates ** ******* attention ** **** as **** **** ** ******** **** ****** ******* Increased ********** ** ****** media platforms *** led ** ******* time ** *** ****** level ** **** ** reduced ******** ****** by children ******* et ** ***** Such ********** *** ******* ******* ******* times at *** family ***** as *** people **** much ******** ** *** use of ****** ***** ** *** ******* ** ****** ********************* implications realized *** ** ****** media use is ** ********* ** *** ************ made ******* ** ********** ** ********* ****** *** ************* *** ******* ******* *** ******** **** are ******** ** *** family ***** children ***** ****** from the impacts ** social ***** Currently there ** ******* ******** **** ** *** ****** ***** due ** *** ********* ** ****** ***** by users **** *** ********* *** ******* of ************* Thus *** reported ***** of cyber-bullying global **** * ******** ******************************************* * ****** *** ****** ** ****** ***** ** ************* * ******* * ***** * & ******* * * (2015) ******* and ****** ******** Research ****** 1-37Tartari * (2015) ******** *** ***** ** ******** *** adolescents ***** ****** ************* ********** ********************** * ***** ******** * * ****** ************* *** ****** mediaJournal ** ****** ************* *******************

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