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Assignment InstructionsAssignment 3 - Week 8 Essay 3Instructions:  Develop an essay of 1250 words. Be sure to argue a particular point of view in your essay (your thesis) and cite varied examples fro

Assignment Instructions

Assignment 3 - Week 8 Essay 3

Instructions:  Develop an essay of 1250 words. Be sure to argue a particular point of view in your essay (your thesis) and cite varied examples from the readings in MLA format in order to support your perspective. Include a works cited page. Additional MLA information can be found in Week 3's and Week 6's readings. Please submit your essay to the assignment section of the course. This assignment is worth 30% of your final grade.

Up to this point we have discussed the Romantic period and the Victorian era, Modernism and Post-Modernism. You will select one era and in partial fulfillment of Course Objective 4, you will discuss a literary movement in connection with one of our assigned readings.

Select one of the following topics as the focus for your essay:

1.     Discuss one work or one author from this course that you believe had the most significant influence on British literary history. Please be sure to maintain third-person perspective.

2.     In this course, we have discussed British literary history and the progression of trends in British literature. Give a brief description of one of the trends we have discussed in the class, with a brief explanation of the characteristics of the trend. You may want to touch on the social, political, historical or cultural issues that influenced this trend. Then provide at least one example of a piece of British literature we have read in this course from this period with a well-developed analysis identifying why the selected piece is a good representation of the trend. Note: "Modernism" and "the Romantic period" are examples of what is meant by a "literary trend" in this question.

3.     Choose a work of British literature we read in the course. Write a response in which you present arguments for and against the work's relevance for a person or society in the present day.

Submission Instructions: Please be sure to submit your assignment to the assignment section of the course.

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