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ASSIGNMENT PURPOSE: This paper asks you to propose a sociological research project that uses course concepts/theories to ask and answer research questions that interest you on personal or intellectual

ASSIGNMENT PURPOSE: This paper asks you to propose a sociological research project that uses course concepts/theories to ask and answer research questions that interest you on personal or intellectual levels. This paper requires you to summarize “what we know” from recent, related social science research and to clearly contribute something new to that body of knowledge/scholarship. Description of your project’s topic/theme [< .5 page]What is the general topic or theme that your research project focuses on? This single paragraph should describe:1)   Why are you interested in this topic OR why it is important that this topic/subject be studied (policy relevance)?2)   Include personal experiences or current media coverage of the issue to stress its importance/relevance3)   The research question or questions that you propose to answer with your project. These should NOT be answerable with a “yes” or a “no” response!!! Remember: your research question or questions need to connect clearly to your proposed data collection method.Literature Review [1-2 pages]Describe what academic researchers already know about your topic. This section should include:1.    Summaries of THREE peer-reviewed, academic sources. It should be clear that you understand each article, as well as what the articles say when taken together; individual and collective summary. 2.    What has not been studied by past research and how your study compliments what we already know? What does your study add to past research?Methodology [1-2 pages]Describe how you plan to gather and analyze your data. This section should clearly and specifically describe:1)   How do you define the concepts from your research questions? How will you measure or observe your key variables of interest?2)   What kinds of data will you be collecting and analyzing to answer your questions?3)   What will your sample look like? Hypotheses/Anticipated Findings [~.5 page]This section should briefly discuss what you expect to find once you gather and analyze your data.Work CitedProperly formatted bibliography of all academic sources used in this paper. Citation format should follow the Chicago Style Manual (17th edition). In-text citations read (Author Year) without a comma between them, i.e. (Sacha 2018).Style/FormatFree of typo’s and grammatical errors; double-spaced; 12-point, Times New Roman font; 1-inch margins on all sides (“Normal” margins in Word)TOTAL:_________/50Word Bank of Potentially Useful Terms/Concepts (your call; don’t force it!!):Data collectionData analysisEthnographic observationSurvey researchInterview researchOperationalizationReliabilityValidityAssociation/CorrelationRace/EthnicityClassGenderDramaturgical theorySymbolic interactionismFront-stage workBack-stage workCode switchIdeologyCultural scriptSubcultureSocializationNormsValuesReflection theoryHegemony/HegemonicSelfThe “I” and the “Me”Generalized otherStatus RoleRole strain vs. Role conflictGender roleDyad

TriadSmall groupPartyLarge groupPrimary groupSecondary groupIn-group vs. Out-groupSocial networkTieSocial InstitutionOrganizationConflict TheoryFunctionalist TheoryCritical TheoryCultureAgencySocial StructureRaceClassGenderImmigration StatusAgeSocially Constructed

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