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assignment question by referring to relevant legislation and case law, critically discuss what requirements a bill of lading must fulfil in order to constitute a valid tender under a c.i.f. contract.
assignment question by referring to relevant legislation and case law, critically discuss what requirements a bill of lading must fulfil in order to constitute a valid tender under a c.i.f. contract. assessment criteria 1.use knowledge and understanding of relevant legal principles 2.analyse and apply law 3.definite the key features of a c.i.f. contract 4.define bill of lading 5.list the requirements of a bill of lading to be considered a valid tender 6.relevant legislation and case law from the sale of goods act 1979 guide general information about cost, insurance, freight (c.i.f.) contracts. c.i.f. contracts represent a major commerce terms, ie, incoterms adopted by the international chamber of commerce. each incoterms envisages different rights and obligations for buyers and sellers. in a c.i.f. agreement, the seller sells the hoods for a price that includes the cost, insurance and freight. c.i.f. contracts are different from other incoterms especially from fob (free on board) in certain respects. c.i.f. contracts are considered as “sales of documents”. discuss the obligations of both parties: physical obligations of buyer - physical obligations of seller - documentary obligations of buyer - documentary obligations of seller - a clean bill of lading evidencing a contract of carriage by sea to the agreed place of destination. a marine policy covering the usual marine risks and any agreed additional risks. the invoice in the stipulated form. plus any additional document required in the contract or by trade usage. definition of the bill of lading explanation of its relevance in c.i.f. transactions. requirements for a c.i.f. to be valid tender so a seller can obtain payment from the buyer. use cases and academic views. consider exceptions for bill of lading for cif contracts.
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********* ****************** ******* ************************ ******** ****************** * buyer ** ******** ** *** * ******** ***** *** *** goods **** the ********* ** **** ** ******** ** *** ***** ** this **** *** seller has a role **** in making *** contracts of ******** *** insurance **** * ** * partiesThe *** contract“Is **** ****** and more ********** in *** **** *** other ******** used for purposes ** sea-borne commerce ** ******** number ** ************ ** ***** ********* ** ****** sums *** ******* *** ***** **** ***** *** ************************* A contract ** **** ***** ********* **** *** contract ** sale ** ****** the ******** contract ** carriage ** the ***** ** *********** *** *** ordinary ******** ** ********* ** the ***** on **** ****** *** ** tender ***** ********* against payment of the ******** price”The ***** ******* on *** ******** terms of *** ****** The deliveries depends ** some ***** by ********** stages of the delivery terms ** ******************* ******** *** **** is *** ******** ** *** ***** where *** ****** can ********* *** ***** ** one of *** ********* ****** The CIF ****** has * *** ** put the ***** on a ****** ***** *** person ** *** manufacturer ** *** ******** ** *** ***** ***** are ***** ** ** ********** *** ****** can ********** *** ***** **** *** ******* ** ***** in * **** ** ******** the *********** **** ** long ** **** **** *** ***** ** the ********* *** *** ****** ** free to ******** ***** that *** ******* in ******* cargo ** **** ** *** ***** **** *** ************ ** *** ******** ** ******** *** ****** ******** *** goods **** matches the ************ ** the contract of **** **** the person *** met *** first ***** of *** shipment termsSymbolic delivery *** ** the *** ******** ***** *** * key ********* **** *** ****** *** to ****** unless the contract has other terms **** include bill ** ******* ********** invoice *** ********* ****** Parties ought ** ********* more additional documents **** *** ****** ****** ****** *** following *** *** ********* explanations’- **** ** Landing: ** serves 3 key ************ ** * document ** ***** – *** ******** *** **** ** ******* provides the ***** to ownership ** *** goods they ********** **** ***** ******* ******* the ***** ** *** **** ** ******* ** the ****** *** *********** ******** to ********* ** *** ***** **** it ** ***** *** *** ****** ** ********* this **** of the ***** ** as to ****** the ****** ** **** *** ***** ** ******** from *** ********* ** * receipt *** for *** goods ********* by *** ******* (once *** **** ** landing ****** *** ********* ** ******** of *** ****** *** ******* ** ******** to ******* *** goods to *** ***** ** *** ******** ********* ** *** ******** *** person *** ******** **** **** *** ***** reach *** **** of *********** in different **** the ***** will **** **** ********* *** gone ******** and the shipper ****** **** *** **** ******** received **** *** seller ** As ******** ** *** terms ** the contract of carriage *** *** role ** ******** ** *** ***** *** ********* look at the **** ** lading *** can **** ** *** ***** ** the contract ** ***** of ***** are ** accord to *** ******** ** the sale of ***** *** the buyer can establish that *** ****** ** ** ***** ** *** ******** ** *** sale ** ****** ********* ******* ** ***** * ******** **** ** ******* to ********* the ***** ** *** **** ** the *** ************** ** ***** ** ** *** *** to ************ **** *** ****** ** *** ***** **** *** goods are **** ** ******* ***** in ************** *** buyer will have ** depend ** *** ********* and **** *** **** * ***** according ** *** policy The * ********* *** made ** *** seller-the ******** ** ************** *** *** insurance ****** **** *** parties ********** *** ****** has to **** ***** * ********* ** *** ***** *** *********** transports the ***** ** *** **** ** destination *** if the ***** *** ******* ** *** *** *** *** ********* are ************* to *** ***** *** **** *** ***** ** *** **** ** bring * ***** against *** *********** *** *** rupture ** *** contract ** *********** But once ** *** ****** *** ***** ****** *** * ***** ***** the ****** ** insurance *** *** ****** ** loss *** ******** *** * ********* are ** *********** ** *** ***** in *** contract The seller ***** to tender ***** documents ** the ***** plus *** *** ********* ********** invoice ** *** seller: **** ****** the **** *** ****** ** ***** **** the seller has delivered ***** ** ***** ****** ** ****** by the ******* *** the **** ** charges *** ***** and *** ***** ****** that *** ***** should compensate for ** *** ****** ** * CIF ******** ** *** ****** *** ******** these ********* and **** are according to *** ***** **** ** *** *** ** *** ********** ************* ******** – *** seller ** *** ******** ** deliver the goods ** *** **** of ************ Fundamental ******* *** ********* **** ** * CIF ******** the ****** ** not ******** to ******* the ***** ** *** **** ** *********** Nevertheless the person ** ***** * role *** ** **** affirmative ***** ** ***** *** ******** of *** goods ** *** port of *********** **** ***** ** ** *** ** *** ******** ** ********* **** the ******** of *** ***** at *** **** ** *********** (Lorenzon ** ** ****** *********** ***** ** **** **** **** the goods have **** *********** ** the **** *** ****** ******* *** *********** *** ** deliver *** ***** ** the ***** ** was ******* **** *** seller *** ** * ******* ** *** ******** ***** **** ****** *** ****** will also ** ** ******* **** *** contract the person ******* *** ****** *** ********* it **** the *********** **** ** a ********* port of destination ******* ***** *** ******** ***** NB: *** ********* point ** * *** contract *** seller’s **** ** ******** **** at *** ***** ** *** ******** of ********* *** ****** is under ** ********** ** ******* the ***** ** *** ***** ** *********** *** ** **** ****** **** **** ********* **** *** *** ******** ** *** *** *** **** ** ***** but otherwise *** sale of ********* **** *** documents **** the ***** ** ****** is * right ** ****** ** *** 3rd ******* ** **** ** *** ****** **** ***** ************* ** goods and documents* *********** ***** *** ******** ********* *** **** v Tradax ****** ** ****** * ********* *** 250”The ***** ** **** case ********* **** ** ** *** really ******* ** ***** **** *** CIF ******** ** *** ******** for *** sale ** ***** *** *** ***** ******* **** the CIF ******** ** * ******** *** *** **** ** ********* representing ****** ***** **** ** documents ******** *** **** a ***** change ********* ** ** 2012)* *********** case: “SIAT di *** ***** v Tradax ******** ** ****** * ***** ’s *** ******** **** **** the ***** ********* that **** *** ******** ** a ******** *** *** **** ** ************ ***** and ***** ***** *** **** **** * ******** ** ***** ******* they **** **** view ** not ******** ********** The ********* sight ***** is **** *** *** ******** is ** fact a ******** *** *** sale of ***** *** *** *** **** ** documents *** ********** *** been ******* ** *** *** ** *** **** ** Arnold ******* ***** Co V ****** *********** *** ********** of *** ********** ** *** High ***** ** *** same case* Fundamental ***** ********* ******* ***** Co * Blythe:”The *** ******* **** *** *** ******** ** the one for *** **** ** ***** to ** *** ** the ******** of ********* This is *** to the *** ****** is guaranteed by the **** **** as *** ***** sellerExplanations ** *** ** ******* ** ** is *** *** sale ** ********* or *** the sale ** goods *** ** ********* ******** that was ***** after ********** *** become ******* **** *** ******** ** **** **** ** *** of *** ********* ****** happen: the ******** ** ** ** ****** in ******* country *** the ****** ******* ******* to ** ** *** **** *** ******* nation ** is *** ***** ******* ** deliver *** ***** ** *** ******* nation ******** 1916)If ** ** not *** the **** ** ***** then *** ******** can’t ** ********* ** *** **** ** ***** ActOnce * *** ******** ** ** **** ** documents ** ***** **** *** nation which receives ********* ******* inappropriate *** the ******* ** which *** ********* are ********* ** ******* Hence **** in * CFI ******** the ********* **** are ** ** ******** ** ** and *** ***** *** ******** to ***** ** ** enemy ****** *** ** **** case *** ******** **** ** ***** ** *** ************ of *** contract ***** be ****** ******************* ** the *** ** * ******** *** the sale of ***** **** *** goods are ******** in ** enemy place **** *** ******** will be ************ It clarifies **** in **** contract *** ****** delivery ** the ***** is ********* ******** ******** ***** ******* ** that the spot ** ********* ***** * ******** ******* the **** ** the ***** *** the event **** *** commitment ** ** ** ***** ** * specific nation) ** **** point ********* to play *** that commitment **** ** ** ********* ** **** *** *** ********** ** **** ****** ** *** ***** that * CIF ******** ** a ******** *** the ********** ** archives ** ********** at **** ***** *** spot ** ******* ** ******** ** the merchant will be where *** ******* were ** be ******** ** the event **** **** is ***** ** **** ***** it ***** imply **** ********** ** whether the ******** ***** *********** **** is not ** ********** **** *** ******** ***** ** the **** of ******** the ***** of *** ******** won't be at the spot ** ******** *** ** *** spot ** conveyance of ******* ** ********* exchanges *** **** of ******* ** the contract ** significant ** ** **** figure *** which ***** will **** ************ to ******* *** case ** *** *** ****** **** *** break ******* ** the ** *** ******** the English ****** **** **** jurisdiction In * *** contract if the * neglects ** ******** merchandise **** ******* with the ******** prerequisites ** *** **** of ******** **** is *** ***** *** ******* ******* ******** ***** So *** short answer is **** ** ** **** ******* * CIF ******** is for the ***** ** products ** *** *** ***** ** ********************** ******* ******* a ******** ******** ** *** ** *** *** ***** ** ****** *** for *** parties *** ****** make this ********* ** ************* ** development of *** ********** ** the contract ** *** unimportant certainty **** *** ********** ** the ******** have ***** ** *** **** ******* really ***** **** ** is *** *** ***** **** ** ******* **** ** **** * ****** ** *** the ********** of *** ******** ** decipher the ****** *** *********** ** *** gatherings and afterward to **** ** ********* ******* considering ***** ****** the ******** contract ** ****** a *** ******** or *** In ****** this ********* *** ***** is **** deciphering the ******** ** * ******* way yet *** ***** is ****** to see whether *** fundamental highlights of * *** ******** *** ********* ** *** ******** closed ******* the parties Where **** ***** *** ********* *** ***** will set ** **** ** * *** a *** contract* *** case: ****** Parchim ****** ** 157”Here the ******** was for the **** ** ***** *** *** ******* ******* ** it ** * *** ******** This ******** ****** take **** of the expense of ********** in *** **** **** yet it ********* *** ********** **** ** * ********* ***** ****** ********** *** ******** the ***** was ***** *** ****** ** **** *** ******** ** ******** ***** *** **** orchestrated by *** ****** In *** ***** **** the buyer has practiced that ***** *** ** the *** chance **** ** *** before *** ******** ** *** goods at **** ***** ** ****** **** *** obligation ** the buyer ** locate ** elective ****** *** *** ******** ** *** goods ****** ***** ** * ****** ******* *** ******* *** ******* about ******* this *** a CIF ******** emerged *** *********** response ** **** it *** ******** *** * *** ******** ** *** ********** *** ***** ** ** ******** thing *** **** ** * ****** ** the ******* *********** ** **** the contract ** carriage **** ** the seller (Brown 2017)* *** case: ****** ******** ****** * ****** **** ***** was * ********* ** the ******** **** ***** that were **** with *** **** or *** boat couldn't ****** **** be ********** **** *** ******** ****** ** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** ** pay just for *** ***** that **** ****** conveyed on the **** ** *** **** ***** 2016)This **** is ********** ** ** ***** now *** ******** ** the *** parties that *** ******* is *********** **** * *** ******** *** the ***** **** *** view that despite you can ** *** **** have * *** contract ***** ***** *********** **** on *** ****** ** *** **** that ****** up ** *** **** goal *** perspective ** *** Court is **** *** *** again you would **** ********** that ***** *** ******* a *** ******** *** *********** ******** which ***** **** from a CIF ******** The ***** said that what ***** * ********** ** *** ***** the ****** ** *** ********** ****** ***** ********************* * **** R and Bools M ********* ** ****** ******* *** **** *************** ** Adams J and ******** ** ************ **** ** goods ******* ************** * **** ****** *** ******** model *** ** ************ the ***** *** bilateral ********** *************** Insolvency ****** ******** ************* * *** Stone * 2017International trade *** **************** * 1916 ***** ** ************* * ******* DM ***** * ****** * *** ****** * ******* *** *** ************* ** ***** ***** *********** * 2016 ************* ***** *** ********** InInternational ********** ****** ****** *********