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Assignment: You are an employee of an NGO interested in encouraging state compliance with international norms. Your supervisor has asked you to produce a briefing in which you discuss at least three s


You are an employee of an NGO interested in encouraging state compliance with international norms. Your supervisor has asked you to produce a briefing in which you discuss at least three strategies that IGOs, states, and/or other NGOs use to encourage compliance with international law. Your overall focus should be on the information you have learned and how your NGO should act on that information.

Your briefing should include the following elements:

(1) An executive summary:

Provide an overview of the report's purpose, problem being addressed, sources, & recommendations.  

(2) Relevant background information;

Include enough basic information about your organization's challenge. Make sure to tailor your communication style to the audience. Write clearly and professionally.

(3) A clear discussion of the problem and why it is important

Be specific when defining your organization's problem. Analyze the problem's causes. Explain who is affected and what is at stake

(4) Different perspectives related to the problem and alternative solutions

Separately identify three or four different approaches or ways of understanding your company and its problem (Make sure to use headings and subheadings as bosses don't like to struggle to find the info)

Define a full range of arguments. Make sure to include ones that are contrary to your final recommendation.

(5) Your recommendations and reasoning

Each recommendation must be not only possible but feasible. You must provide evidence for your reasoning

(6) A reference list separate from the white paper

**The text of the report should be no fewer than 3 pages and no more than 6, double-spaced, 12 font. You should have at least four credible references. All work must be original.

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