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Assume that this is a startup up e-commerce business: We have to build the compensation projection schedule for this startup 1.

Assume that this is a startup up e-commerce business:

A. We have to build the compensation projection schedule for this startup

1. We have a total of 4 members of employees include the founders of this business

2. The company agrees to compensate each in the team with equity and profit sharing model: Assume each receive 25% of company shares equally.

3. We also need to include other independent labor costs such as the accountant, insurance, business advisors such as IT, finance, and, management, but please include a reasonable estimate cost for this area since we do not have the number for this part.

4. The expected net profit for 2019-2023 is 1 million, 5 million, 10 million, 15 million, 20 million.

Please help to generate the excel sheet for this compensation projection schedule that include the shareholders' compensation and the labor cost of independent contractors listed above.

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