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Based on the organization you chose in Competency 1, write a 700- to 1,050-word Leadership Styles Rationale paper. In your paper, complete the following: Restate the needed change within the organiza
Based on the organization you chose in Competency 1, write a 700- to 1,050-word Leadership Styles Rationale paper. In your paper, complete the following:
- Restate the needed change within the organization.
- Analyze the various leadership styles you explored in Part 1 in the context of the organizational culture and proposed change.
- Justify which leadership style or approach would best support the organizational change.
- Explain how this style will support sustainable organizational success.
- Explain how this style integrates the organization’s mission and vision.
- Explain how this style will increase value for stakeholders.
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***************************************************************************************************************************** Leadership: ************** *************** NameCourse NameDate2Transformational Leadership: WalmartWalmart ChangeThe ****** ****** ****** ******* is * ************** ** * ******* ** ******** serviceexcellence Associates **** undervalued *** **** *** *********** ** ******* the **** ****************** Stores ******* ** ***** **** ****** collaboration or ******* of **** ********* ********* ** ************ its ******* ******* ***** * ********** ***** **** ** participative team-oriented *** ************* (Jena ** ** ***** Leaders **** empower associates fostercollaboration *** ***** *** desired ******** ****** ** achieve *********** ***************** ********* transformational leadership ******** ***** most effectively ******* *** ************** ****** Transformational leaders ******* and ******** ********** ** ********* ** ************ *** * ****** vision **** ******* followers ** ******* ****** *** **** ********* ******* **** Apple ** ** ******* of **************** leadership ************ ******* change ** ****** ************ ******** ** ** 2023; **** ** ** ***** Jobs ******** ********* **** *********** ****** of ******** ********** ******** **** were "insanely *************** ** ********** ********* *** ********* ***** *** ****** **** to ******* **** ****** impossible ************* ***** **** * ********** ******* ** *** ** the *************** **** ******** brandsSustainable ************** *********** ***** **** ******* *********** success ** ********** ******************* energy ************* ********** ****** ********* *** ****** ** ******** ******* ********** ********** **** ************ ** *** company's ******* *** motivated ** ** ***** *** beyond **** ******** ***** ********** will ******* **** performance over *** **** **** ** fosters ********** as ********** are3challenged ** ***** creatively *** challenge *** ****** *** **** spirit ** ********** continuallyrenews *** ************ *** ****** ** to ***** *** ****** ******** ***** ** ** ***** It ********** desired ******** ****** embedded **** *** ********************** ******* ********** andpractices It ******* **************** changes and ***** them ********* ** reversal ************** ************** *** ********************** leadership ********** Walmart's ******* *** ****** by ********* ** ********************* ***** of ******* and ****** The ****** ** ******** a ****************** ** ******************** ********* customers ***** so they *** ************** **************** **** ******** with associates *** ******** ****** act in ways that fulfill that ******* Framing *** ******** ************** ****** ********************* values ** service respect and ********* is ******** Leaders ******** *** ****** *********** ** ***** shared values **** ********** already ******* ***** et al ***** Theleadership ******** ***** and ***** *** *** ***** ***** ** ******* *** *** vision Leaders ************ **** translate *** broad ****** **** ******** ******* ********** *** **** to *************** ********** *** efficiencyStakeholder’s ********* ********** ***** **** ******** *********** value ** ********** associates to ************** ways ** ******* *** ******** experience *** *********** efficiency Engagedassociates who **** a ***** ** ****** ******* **** ****** ** ****** ******** expectationsgenerating ******* satisfaction *** ****** **** increase ***** *** ********* shareholders ****** ********* ***** areas ********** ******** *** ********** *********** ********** who **** ********* by * **************** and ********* ** ***** ***** **** ** ***** and beyond ** **** *** exceedcustomer expectations ** ******** ******** ************ retention *** word-of-mouthincreasing the brand's ******* **** ******** values: When ******* *********** ******** values ** ***** ******* anddecision-making ********** **** emulate ***** behaviors in how **** ***** ************* consistency ******** * ************ customer ********** **** builds brand value(Chandra ** ** ******** ******** ****** With ***** *** ***** redefined to ******* *** *** ****** ********** ******** ****** ********** that ******** ******** ***** *** key ************ **** ****************** and *** ********* ***** ******* **** get channeled ************** Building *************** Transformational ******* ***** changes **** ********************* and ******* ****** transformations ****** ******** **** ********* ***************** ******** ********** ** *** ***************** ********* value *** stakeholdersChallengesHere *** **** ********* ********** a ******* *** **** **** implementingtransformational leadership:i Resistance **** ****** ********* **** ********* managers *** ****** ****** upcontrol and ********* **** ***** teams They need to ** ** ***** *** transformationalleadership to ** ************* **** and resource-intensive: ************ * ******* ******* empowerment andinspiration ******** a *** of ********** time communication and ********* *** ******************** * long-term commitment ******** ** ** 2023)iii Vagueness ** *** "vision": Transformational leaders ***** articulate broad **************** **** **** concrete ***** for ********* **** It *** ***** ********* ******** ************* ********** on ******** ** the **************** leader ****** *** vision *** ************** ******** may **** *** ******* ****** ***** to ** ******** ** systems/processesIn conclusion * transformational ********** ******** **** ******** associates **************** to shared ****** *** empowering them ** *** ** a common ****** ** best ****** ******* *** cultural ************** ******* ***** ** mobilizes ****** ****** * higher ************ ****** **** ******** *** growth ************* **** ******* **** performance **** ******************** ******* will ***** *** desired ******** ****** unite the organization aroundWalmart's mission and vision *** empower ********** ** ******** *********** *********************** * ***** * & ***** * (2023) ********** ******** ******** ** ****** ******* CSRand **************** ********** ************* Journal ** ****** ********* ********************** 51(5) ************** * * ***** * ********* Jena * * (2017) **************** ********** *** ************************* *** ********* ****** ** ************** culture in Indian retail industryJournal ** ********** Information ********** 30(1) *****