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Basically, i would choose the topic of public health . You have to write an argument paper following this instructions,. Power and politics : Introduction -- First Page First Paragraph - This topic is

 Basically, i would choose the topic of public health . You have to write an argument paper following this instructions,. Power and politics : Introduction -- First PageFirst Paragraph - This topic is important to me personally because...(should be unique or interesting connection between you and the topic.  Can be a "fun fact" or can be serious.Second Paragraph -- This topic is important to EVERYONE because...(more general than the first paragraph, explain why the topic is important and why the reader should learn more.Main Evidence -- Three Supporting Paragraphs -- One page, Maybe Two pages or moreThird Paragraph -- Action that you want Biden / Harris to take.  THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD....Fourth Paragraph -- Ethos reason for action -- Something that goes back to fair / unfair, right / wrong,Fifth Paragraph -- Logos reason for action -- Something that goes back to logic, common sense, costs vs. benefits, pluses vs. minuses.Sixth Paragraph -- Pathos reason for action -- Tell us a story about ONE person or family who would benefit from change -- can be your OWN story.  This is an IMPORTANT paragraph.

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